Wow! Tagged for the first time!!

My sweet sister in law, Jessie , tagged me with this "Share the Love" award in which you tag the blogs of people whose blogs you enjoy reading.

The rules are to tag bloggers who make your day, make you laugh and smile, and/or leave uplifting comments on your blog. You then include a link to this post , and ask each person you tag to do the same!

Soooo, time to share the love my friends!

Hmmm, well the blogs I read daily, that make my day are typically other stay at home mommies who find humor in what many might consider the mundane. I feel like many of you are kindred spirits and if we lived in the same town, I am certain we'd be friends. Some of you I know in real life, like Sarah - mom of three boys, and Megan mother of two, both of whom I know from college, 2 different colleges, mind you. Others of you I only met in bloggyland, but I consider you friends as I read about your love for your Lord, your husband, and your children. There's my friend Monica whose been married a little longer than me and has kids about the same age, but her husband is deployed in Iraq while she holds down the fort in Germany. Then there's Jessica , who lives in a beautiful farm house in Iowa and is pregnant with her third child. I also get to read about life as a mother and preachers wife in "Tinytown" on Sarah 's blog. And WGM makes me laugh with her antics of life with 5 (and I thought my life was a circus)!

I can't forget Kristen . Her blog was the first blog I visited with frequency that wasn't some one I knew in real life. I remember telling all my friends about her, because she was so down to earth and seemed like someone we would hang out with in real life. After about 2-3 weeks of lurking on her blog, I ended up writing my own and then realizing the importance of commenting and thus started commenting on hers.

And last, but definitely not least, my dear family members. Both of my sister in laws, whom I love like sisters, check my blog daily and comment with frequency. They boost my self-esteem when I wonder if anyone is reading this. Jessie is married to my brother. She writes with humor about the joys of being married to my little brother and raising two beautiful little girls. I married Karen' s brother. She writes of life as an army wife and shares her crafty projects (which make me jealous that I am not so talented) and fun anecdotes.

So, thanks dear bloggers for writing so faithfully. You are all in my google reader and I eagerly look forward to reading about your lives each and every day. So consider yourselves tagged.


  1. Thanks for the love, I'll totally play along!

    PS - adding you to my blogroll...just so ya know.

  2. Thanks! I've never gotten an award before. At least in blogging! I'll give mine a whirl tomorrow!

  3. Thank you so much for the's my first!!! You are so sweet. I love reading all of the adventures of your circus act family! I can relate to so many of them. I'll be responding to this by the end of the has been a crazy week for us!

  4. Oh your so sweet! I love the button! Super cute.

    And yes, the title of your blog is what first drew me in as a reader. I totally get that feeling...daily...or sometimes every minute.

  5. and that your is supposed to be you're. That's one of my pet peeves that I always correct my husband about. Don't tell him I did it. Pretty please?

  6. Thank you so much for including me in your list of daily reads! I won't forget your first comment on my blog because it made me feel like a super star! It's been awesome watching the birth and growth of your blog! Keep up the great job (fun)!


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