How I Do It

It was a big day for me. I know your thinking, yes, we know already, you got your power back. And yes I did, but that is not what I am referring to. I pulled into the parking lot of Target (which is 20 min away) with all 3 kids, at 8:30 AM. If you have kids, you recognize the monumental occasion this is.

Wanna know the secret to my record breaking time?

Literally, the kids woke up and we stuck them in the car as is. Since we were without power and my 2 year old needed an asthma treatment, I had taken her to the car to give her the nebulizer while my husband got ready for work. He showed up at the end with the other two kids because he was going to head out. He was not intending them to go anywhere. I mentioned that I wanted to run errands, (I had been thinking later on in the morning) but since they were all there at the car (and as you may know that is half the battle) I seized the day and decided to leave then. No shower for me (48+ hours and counting...)  I ran inside to quickly get out of my pjs, grab the stroller, a box of cereal, baby food, and some plastic cups.

This is how we looked. Pretty picture huh? Like my baby's outfit? (pink and white stripped top with purple and white stripped pants)

I fed my baby in the car after we finished at Target. It wasn't until we were inside the next store and my son announced that he really had to poop, that I realized he hadn't even gone potty when he woke up or before we left.

So, there you have it. I've proven it. It can be done. We can get out the door and to our destination by 8:30am. All we have to do is skip the showers, leave the kids in their sleepwear, eat breakfast on the road and forgo the potty. I don't know why we don't make it out that early more often!


  1. Of course, your sister-in-law knows all too well that little trick!!!
    LOL What away to make a jumpstart on the day!

  2. LOL, at least you can say it happened at least once, right?

  3. one of the things i love about summer is that we don't need to rush out of the house to be at preschool or bible study or mom's groups. I love all those things but I do love me my lazy summer mornings. being anywhere at 8:30am in the summer is near impossible once we get into our summer slump. thanks for the tips on how to make it happen!


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