This past week our oldest son turned 8.  As quickly as that time seems to have flown, it is frightening to me to realize in just as little time, he’ll be waving goodbye as he backs a car out of the driveway.   AACK!   In the midst of this busy stage of life, I want to take time to reflect on who he is now at this stage, so I can cherish and savor it for years to come. 


He is passionate… when he is interested in something he is fully interested in it… reading, watching, playing, dressing up as… essentially eating, drinking, and breathing in that topic.  This past year those passions have been Star Wars, the Revolutionary War, Ninjago and basketball. 

He is thoughtful.  In soccer this fall his coach gave him the gentleman’s award.  His coach told me that he was so considerate, always thanking him after every single practice and game.  He does the same in baseball.  I never have to remind him.  When practice is done, he eagerly runs over and starts helping to put away the bases.  Then he goes and says thank you to each coach.  It fills my heart with pride to see him do this on his own initiative. 


He is creative.  He can turn an old ring pop into a Green Lantern ring and a stick into a bow and arrow.  He’s great at writing stories and making costumes and props.  He def seems to be “right brained.”  Messes don’t bother him, in fact he “can’t sleep when my bed is made.” 



He is sensitive. This fall when his great grandpa passed away, he told Scott and I that he wanted to say something at his memorial service. We were both nervous for him, but he was insistent that he wanted to get up and talk about Great Grandpa. I was so proud of him as he walked up to the microphone. He looked out at all the people and you could see the panic in his face. Scott was behind him and encouraged him. He took a huge breath and read his paper. When he sat down he said to me, “That was a mistake.” My son, that was no mistake. It took courage and bravery to do what you did and I know it blessed your Nana and Daddy’s hearts more than you’ll ever realize. You made me proud that day and Great Grandpa was honored.

reading in car

One of my favorite pictures of my son from this past year is of him reading in our van on the way home from a trip to PA.  I love how much he loves to read and I truly enjoy hearing him tell me stuff he learned, “in a book I read once.”  Favorite books this past year were The Magic Tree House series, Cam Jansen, and currently The Boxcar Children.  He also just started reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.   

I love the way his tongue sticks out a little when he’s concentrating or working hard on something.  I love the way he loves his little brother and takes true joy and delight in him.   He is a great big brother to the circus crew and I am proud to have him leading the pack.

8 years old… almost finished with second grade… your right smack  in the middle of your childhood.  I love the glimpses I see of the man your growing up to be.  You make me proud for so many reasons.  But, I love you because your you.  I love who you are, and who God’s molding you to be and I am so thankful for the privilege of being your Momma.

Some people like the feeling of sand beneath their toes.  I must say I do enjoy the squish of wet sand beneath my feet as the waves lap at my ankles. 

My children, however, have a whole different kind of love of sand.


One which truly baffles my mind.


EVERY SINGLE TIME we visit our community beach, it’s the same routine.  We drop our stuff in the sand and they make a mad dash for the water, they splash and play and swim and then, inevitably, they decide it’s time to hit the sand.


As in lay down with their wet selves on the sand and make “sand angels”IMG_2805

Being sure, of course, to flip and get both of their sides equally covered in sand


And to make sure they are fully, fully caked in the sand, they will pour handful upon hand full on top of themselves, IMG_2822

until they are covered in at least a solid inch or two of sand


And when they feel they’ve got it on them thoroughly, they’ll stand up, run into the water, and wash it off


Only, to run back out and repeat


Perhaps it’s their own version of a spa treatment with a little exfoliating scrub…or perhaps it’s just an excuse to get dirty, all I know is, it keeps them entertained for QUITE awhile and it typically results in a sandy bathtub when we get home. 

They couldn’t figure out why I didn’t want to join them.  While I was happy to sit in the sand with my feet in the water, I was not so eager to roll around caking my body in dirty sand.  Am I alone on this?  Is it a kid thing?  Thoughts?


Round these parts the current show which they all can agree on when they are given the chance to pick something is Woody Woodpecker

What’s at the top of your queue these days?

I had a slight moment of déjà vu the other day while playing with my youngest son at the park. 

I snapped this picture of him playing peek a boo at 22 months.

photo (11)

which had a striking similarity to the picture I snapped of his older brother at the same park at 23 months.

i see you (2)

Hmmm….can you tell they are brothers?

Spring break was FABULOUS!  Oh my, what a treat to have an entire 6 days off of school.  It was like a foretaste of summer vacation, (which for this homeschooling family is just around the corner).  But before we get back to the books tomorrow, thought I’d share a few of our favorite memories from the week. 

We crafted…



We made memories with friends


photo (10)

(he had SOO much fun seeing the farm animals at the park with his friends)


We reviewed the Easter story


Our oldest son finally got to enjoy his Christmas gift by attending opening day with Dad (and saw his first Orioles win)


We spent time with grandparents


We played lots of basketball


We went to the park and had lots of extra time with (10)

It was a wonderfully relaxing and fun filled week.  Now to buckle down, put our nose to the grindstone and finish the school year strong.

It’s been really neat to watch the bond between my oldest and youngest.   Our baby was the answer to his older brothers prayers, as he longed to have a little brother.  I’ll never forget the look of pure joy when he found out he finally had a baby brother.   I know he can’t wait for the day when they can truly play together, but for now it is so neat to see the love between them blossom. 

Last night was proof that the love flows both ways.  The baby is used to falling asleep at night with his big brother on the bed across the room reading his book.   Last night, however, his big brother spent the night at a friends house.  So, when we put the obviously tired baby into his crib, he had his baby, his pacifier, light on, door closed…but no big brother across the room. 

When we walked out of the room, he was quiet for awhile.  Then he started crying… truly crying.  This is something he never really does when we put him down.  Typically, we put him to sleep and he will just lay quietly in his crib until he falls asleep.   I went back after awhile to see if maybe he lost his pacifier or something.  But, no he had everything he needed, yet he was crying.  After taking him out for a drink and laying him back down, he again started crying, REALLY CRYING. 

We both suspected it had something to do with the big brother missing from the bed beside him. 

So, Scott laid him down on his brothers bed.  He snuggled up and fell fast and sound asleep… for the entire night. 


It was his first night not sleeping in his crib…


sleeping soundly in his big brother’s bed…IMG_3299

It simply melts my heart…

March was a rough month at the circus.  Scott had some deadlines at work which meant he worked a lot of overtime.  This happens with his work and we’ve all learned to roll with it, but that doesn’t mean that the long days don’t eventually start to take their toll. 

On all of us

Which is why it’s been so great the last 2 weeks having Scott around more often.  Last Monday he left work at 2 to go to DC with us, on Friday he got home at 5:30 (to which my oldest son asked, “Dad did you take vacation time to get home this early?”), Monday he was home by 5 and Tuesday he took the whole day off! 

He had to use vacation time to do this, but after the many, many late nights in March, we all felt it a good use of vacation time to have him home.  Especially since we’re on spring break this week. 

parkYesterday after the kids woke up and were snuggling on the couch, he made a few phone calls and announced that he wasn’t going to work that day.  He just hung out with us all day… it was so fun and random… he watched the NCAA play off game which we had recorded for our son Monday night, with the kids.  Then he helped tackle a project that I’ve really been wanting done around the house.  Smile  We took the kids to the park for a picnic lunch.  He got to watch the girls gymnastics class- always a treat and we topped the day off with dinner at one of our favorite pizza places. 


I am not a girl who typically enjoys surprises.  I am a planner and greatly enjoy the anticipation of an event.  But, I gotta tell you, having my hubby home on a random, unexpected Tuesday, was PURE BLISS! 

I told the kids I made them brownies for dessert tonight. 


They were a little disappointed to discover the brown E’s I made for them. IMG_3241

April Fools!