Old Faithful

Its Thursday again and time for me to go into that box in the closet under the stairs and find another picture that didn't make it into a photo album. I found a classic that is truly timely. This is a picture of me opening gifts on my 13th birthday (I think, might be 12). Can't tell what I am unwrapping, but my brother behind me is definitely interested. Like my dangling shell earrings? How about those bangs? They were a work of art don't you think? There was something else of note about my 13th birthday. It was the year that I got my first phone for my room. Yep, it was a memorable moment - I was a teenager and yes I was the stereotypical type that monopolized the phone all day long. I guess you could say it was a coming of age of sorts.

Here is another picture I have and this one shows the phone. Wow, to think of the hours I have logged on that phone. The girlfriends and boyfriends I spent hours talking to (and my brother will tell you they were always, "very important things"). Ahh the memories.

This is the phone that keeps on giving too because there is something else noteworthy about that phone picture. It was taken this afternoon as it sat as the only working phone in our circus of a house. Yep, it was only two days ago that one of our two portable phones made their blogging debut in this post involving my youngest daughter and her new friends at the police department. But alas, they have been claimed by the circus. I looked away for a moment and tuned back to see my middle child "wash" both of our portable phones in a basin on the deck. I found her holding them up, with water dripping out the bottom. Nice, huh? These were the only phones we used in our house. I knew when I had two girls with my genes that we would have our share of issues over the phone but I had no idea it would start so soon!

I was temporairily left with no land line at my house. Then I remembered my old faithful phone from middle and high school. I remember when I got this phone over 15 years ago, I thought it was "so cool" because it was clear and you could see all the wires and bells and stuff but now, after using nothing but portable phones for 4 years, this hand held one felt so huge! I didn't realize how often I used caller ID until I didn't have it. How strange to pick up the phone and have no idea who was on the other end! I thought talking on the phone with three kids awake and clamoring for my attention was difficult, but not being able to walk around (or out of the room) with the phone made it even more of a challenge!

This week I flashed back to the days of nothing but land lines with no call waiting, and no caller ID. For more musings of days gone by, check out Sincerely Fro Me To You at We are THAT Family.


  1. You look thrilled with your gift, like you are saying OOOOH!
    You were a cutie pie! Shell earrings, bangs and all.


  2. I am amzed at eh bangs, truly a work of art.

  3. The clear phones were totally cool!

  4. i definitely remember coveting the clear phone. you are so lucky! thanks to my niece, for letting mom remember her cool days. :)

  5. (not to imply that you're not cool now.... oops!)

  6. Oh how quickly those days and cherished moments fly by. I just love your flashback days - and old photos.

  7. THat is tooooooo funny! Not so much about the dripping phones, but that you still owned your old one from jr. high. I bet it's a collectible! You could probably fetch a fortune on ebay! So funny!

  8. You know only the cool girls had phones in their room much less one that looked so cool!

  9. I totally had that same phone, mine was just neon. We are awesome!

  10. I like the french braid with the bangs!

  11. I'm loving the bangs! Poofy or not, you look a lot cooler than your brother in this picture, LOL!!!

    I was a phone monopolizer too! I painted my phone with sparkly nail polish to make it fun looking, and spent all day and night on it. Oh, to be a teenager!

    I'm feeling your pain on being tied down by a cord lately too...

  12. Oh those phones! My sister had one... I always thought they were sooooo cool :)

  13. Wow you had a fancy shmansy phone!!

    If you call my house now, all the portable phones are hidden somewhere, or have lost there charge. So needless to say, I can never find a phone.

  14. Oh baby I so totally had that rockin see-through phone and I'm pretty sure I had a Swatch Watch to match ;)

  15. *jealous look* I NEVER had one of those phones, but my best friend did. And the shell earrings are quite lovely!

  16. HI I have not stopped laughing Just think when I had a phone at 15 It was on a line with 5 other families..


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