The Circus Life without Power

As my husband mentioned here, we lost power this week. The first thing I did when the power came back on?

Brush my teeth?




Go to the bathroom?


I posted this on the internet so "the world" could know we are back. Aren't you glad to know I've got my priorities right?

It's been a fun few days around here. Really, it could have been so much worse. With the windows opened, it wasn't that hot. (It the evening after the sun went down and the windows were opened, our hall thermostat read 80 degrees)! We have a gas stove, and a gas grill, so my husband grilled burgers on the first night and I made quesidillas on the second night. I told my kids it was like we were camping (only our beds are more comfortable) My husband pointed out to me later, that at least when we are camping we can have access to water to wash our dishes and flush our toilets and at most camp grounds you can even take a hot shower. (Hmmm, good point... we have a well so when the power goes out we lose all water as well). The other big drawback to the power outage is that our generator quit working and thus we lost everything in our refrigerator. Yes, this post is a vain attempt at putting off cleaning up that enormous mess.

As well as this mess waiting for me in the sink.

Well, the baby is up from her nap and I still have a fridge to clean out, so this will be it for now... I plan to post some pictures later today of our fun during the power outage, as well as get back to reading and commenting on people's blogs... I have a lot of internet checking to catch up!!!


  1. welcome back! we've missed you! sorry about that mess in your kitchen. i think you should reward yourself somehow when it's finished!

  2. Wow!! I know why you chose blogging instead of that kitchen sink!! :-) But a nice shower can make it all look differently.
    Good luck on the cleanup efforts.

  3. Welcome back to blog land! I don't envy the work you have ahead of you! Good luck!!

  4. At least you have a dishwasher...LOL! Welcome back!

  5. It's the water that's really hard to do without, isn't it? Altho' a power outage does make you appreciate being able to turn on a light, run the vacuum, turn on the coffee maker. My three year old granddaughter was facinated by what would and what wouldn't work. I love the "stick my finger in" idea - what a smartie!


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