We made it till the third...

Kids like buttons. At least ours do. Our son was the first addict. We could keep him happy quiet for long periods of time by giving him the TV remote (with the TV off) and letting him just pound away. Him being the first, we were always careful when he got the phone. Wouldn't want him to call someone unintentionally and have someone listening to uncensored Life at the Circus. He never really called anyone though, because life with one isn't quite a circus, he just hit buttons. Naturally, when it came to baby number two we got a little more lax with the phone. Our daughter was a less enamored by the buttons, but she knew that the shiny one in the center made it light up and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We'd just periodically hit the off button. By child number three, we are quite a bit more lax. We'd just give her the phone and go back to our business. It's not like she's really going to call someone anyway, right?

Thursday morning we received a call from the police. Seems little miss figured out how to dial 9-1-1. (I wonder how long we were "on the air" and what circus noise they heard during that time) Ooops! Mommy's going to be a little more careful now.


  1. Oh my goodness! How embarrassing! Luckily no one came rushing to your house!

  2. LOL More than one child has called 9-1-1 without their parents knowledge. Why don't the phone companies think about moving those buttons so little thumbs holding a phone can't automatically press with opposing thumbs and call that famous number!! She is your mime - quiet but active and bringing us all a laugh or two

  3. Super star blogger? Pshaw! But you did make me smile really big! As bad as it was when my daughter called the pastor, I think I'd take that over the police, any day!

  4. [...] Yep, it was only two days ago that one of our two portable phones made their blogging debut in this post involving my youngest daughter and her new friends at the police depoartment. But alas, they have [...]

  5. Ok, how about when your husband is screwing around and "accidentally" does it? And then he of course hangs up real quick, and in our area they send a cop just in case!!

  6. Ha-ha. I have yet to experience this *yet*

  7. OMG, too funny. My 2 year old did that in January at my MIL's house. Scared the crap out of us. The police were not impressed at all, they were pretty rude when I calmly explained it was an accident, that my son had picked up the phone.

  8. Uh oh! Too funny. I suppose I should go take my phone away from 2 year old before the cops turn up here.

  9. Luckily my daughter hasn't managed to call 911, but she HAS called friends and family, who get the pleasure of listening in on us while we have no idea we're being listened TO. Yeah, that's a lot of fun- backtracking through the last 10 minutes of conversation to make sure you didn't say anything offensive!

  10. That is SO funny because my Muirne did the same thing...

  11. HA!!! I always give Carter the phone to play with....and the thought that he could accidentally call someone has definitely crossed my mind. The thought of him calling 9-1-1 seemed impossible.

    You just proved me WRONG!!

    Ha! Thanks for the tip!

    happy pow!

  12. My daughter called 9-1-1 on my cell phone even when I had the buttons "locked." I guess if you hold down the "9" it auto-dials. The operator was very nice, but frank in her telling me, "Cell phones should not be used as toys." Ha, you tell that to my 3 year old.
    Happy POW!


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