Time to Place Your Bet


I had a dream last night that I accidentally opened the envelope and found out we were having a girl.

If your wondering how one can accidentally open the envelope, it’s actually not to hard to do b/c yesterday I was cleaning out some papers to be filed and saw a sealed blank envelope and thought, “What is that?”  Thankfully, before opening it, I saw the name of the sonogram office in the corner and realized what it was.

Back to the dream….I felt so sick to my stomach as I had to tell Scott we made it till 2 weeks are left and now I knew.  It was awful.

I was so glad to wake up and realize I am still clueless!!  I can’t imagine making it this long without knowing and then having found out like that.

Now for the game…here are some preggo shots of me in each pregnancy.  See if I carried similarly or differently.    Place your bets as to what the newest circus member will be.  You can even place bets on the size if your feeling so inclined.  We’ll find out who is correct whenever this little circus member decides to make his or her debut!

baby 1Baby 1: Boy:  9 lbs 5 oz 21 inches long  born 2 days after his due date

baby 2 Baby 2: Girl:  7lbz 5 oz 19 inches long  induced 5 days before her due date

baby 3 

Baby 3: Girl: 8lbs 7 oz  20 inches long  born 2 days after her due date (photo taken at 3am)


Baby 4: ??   ????    ?????? 

Leave your predictions in the comments below. 


  1. Boy! I know nothing about this stuff though. :)

  2. Based on the pics alone I'd say that's ALL boy in there! I'd say a fairly good sized boy at that. :) I wish I could see pic one and pic four right next to eachother, but I still feel like you look more like pic one right now than two or three. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say! Do you really feel totally clueless?

  3. Hmmm, this is a hard one! I'm guessing boy though. But I could obviously be totally wrong! lol Weight around maybe 8 pounds. This was a cute idea. :-)

  4. If we were to go by size,,,you look as if it will hit Baby #1...BOY? But who knows...! You did have various sizes :)
    Maybe another 9lb 2oz,,,,20 1/2" just guessing ! You look like you are ALL baby... ! Can't wait to hear the joyous news.
    Love you all...!

  5. I'm so bad at this but I wanted to guess anyway! I think you look most like you do in picture 1 with your son, but you seem to be carrying higher there....hmmmm....I'll go against the grain and guess girl (even though it looks more like boy from the pics!)!!

  6. Boy, 10#6oz like his Daddy

  7. i will say boy, for sure. you are carrying all in front. i will be kind and say 8lb 10oz because i know it feels like that baby is huge. mine too....

  8. boy - its a hunch :)

  9. hmmm....you look like your carrying boy but you've got a dream going for you! hard to tell about those dreams, they can really come through in the end. But as you know my thoughts...I'm kind of hoping a boy for my little man and for your big man as he would love to have a brother!

  10. You really look the same in all 4 except for size. You carry them all out front and nothing across those hips :-) I am guessing boy 10lbs for now - I may change my mind though!!
    PS - Love the new border in the nursery.

  11. I was definitely guessing boy 9lbs 7oz until you dreamed girl....hmmm.... So now I guess I'll go girl, 8lbs 5 oz plus one ounce for every day past your due date :)

  12. Okay... I'm add my 2 cents! I think its a BOY!

  13. man, Crystal, this is hard. i had to look a few times but i think i'm in agreement with everyone else. BOY for me! and i'm bad with guessing dates, so i'll make it more of a request - fly out of MD on the 5th, so PLEASE before then!

  14. Oh my gosh, you look so good in prego #3 !!!!!

    Okay, I predict BOY! And he will be 9.2 lb!!

  15. I say it's a boy!

  16. I'm so bad at this, but I'll guess boy....

  17. One Dollar Bob... oh wait, wrong game : ) I am thinking a hearty - healthy boy, but not quite as big as your son... gonna go with 8lb 15oz... I kept scrolling back and forth between pics 1 &4 as fast as I could to try to compare them : )

  18. Boy, I think...8' 10" ?

  19. I think June 4th, 2010,
    9lbs. 4 -4.5 oz. ,
    (how about time) 8:26 -don't know if AM or PM ;)

    Have a great day with all the guesses!

  20. cutest pregnant person EVER! That's what you are. I think it would be fun for you to have a boy since you would have bookends and since I had a boy, but girls are great and your oldest makes the greatest big brother to sisters. So all that to say, "I don't know and really either would be great!" (pathetic, I know!)

  21. BOY! You are all boy, girlfriend.

  22. I have always maintained that it is a boy. Not just because of the way you are carrying, but because I think it would be nice for your boy to have a brother. On the other hand, he has the perfect personality to be the protecter of 3 younger sisters.... so either way, you're good :) I'd say upper 8's to mid 9's if you go term. (don't worry! It'll be fine!!!)

  23. Boy you are all baby But lower in #1 #4 hope for a boy but
    never can tell Every one will love it

  24. It's a boy....no, it's a girl...or maybe it's a boy... Hmmmm.... I honestly have no idea, but I can't wait to see who's in there! :)

  25. Totally a boy!! :)


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