Will you be my friend?

Are you familiar with facebook? I sure have gotten a chuckle out of it. I went to a girls night out last month and listened to my friends ask, "Are you my friend?" "How can I get more friends?" "Why aren't you my friend?" I couldn't help but laugh as it sounded so much like middle school.

But, I finally broke down yesterday and got a Facebook account. I've gotten those e-mails saying, "Your friend Jane has a facebook account, sign up too." and I've ignored them for well over a year now. But within the past month I've had 4 different conversations with friends about how much fun it is on facebook and how I will just love it. I rebutted saying I wasn't sure I wanted to share all that info with the world, to which they replied "Crystal, you tell us all what your making for dinner every week on your blog." After hearing about how I can see pictures of old friends and their kids and learn about my how my old marching band buddy just had a baby,... seemed it was time for me to join the crowd.

So, during nap time, when I should have been unpacking from our weekend of camping, I left the pile of stuff from our van sitting in my entry way where we dropped it last night, and I signed up for a facebook account. Within minutes I was looking at faces of friends from youth group and college, people I haven't seen or talk to in years. And I found myself begging them to please "be my friend again" Facebook suddenly says, "Hey, you know these people... you may know these and suddenly 2 hours have gone by and I am still searching for old friends (many of whom would remember those pictures and stories I write about on Thursdays in Me to You). As of this morning, I was up to 38 friends... talk about a boost in your self esteem!

When my husband got home, he found me on the couch with the laptop updating my profile, while my oldest two children were playing with (not eating) M&M's on the kitchen table. (Yes, this would be my shining moment as home maker and stay at home mom)!

Because writing daily posts in my blog and commenting and reading other blogs, didn't take up enough of my time, I am now keeping up with a face book account too. The odds of our laundry getting put away just got a little slimmer!


  1. I'm so glad I found you on Facebook (thanks to Matt B.). It has been so fun to read about your life and see you so happy! And, you look exactly the same as I remember you! SO glad you're blogging...I'll enjoy keeping up with you!

  2. Oh yeah, it's so addictive. Between blogging and facebook, I'm pretty much attached to my laptop. :) It's fun to have you on board!

  3. haha! your life will now be sucked away!


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