Going Higher and Lower Then Ever Before

I thought I’d post a picture from my honeymoon since 7 years ago today I was in St Lucia with my hubby. Being married to Scott has been a grand adventure. He’s taken me lower and higher than I thought I’d ever go. Whether it’s exploring the world below sea level, or hiking along a glacier, he’s pushed me to do things I’d never have thought of doing on my own. He’s patiently held my hand and been kind during my panic attacks, allowing me to see and experience some of the most breath taking portraits of God’s creation.

Here we are scuba diving on our honeymoon. To this date, this is the most adventurous thing I’ve ever done. My husband has his scuba license. I had never even been snorkeling. My husband suggested we sign up for the scuba session offered at our resort. I was rather apprehensive. He encouraged me to sign up and stressed that at any point if I wanted to drop out, we could no questions asked. We signed up on Monday for the class on Friday.

This first part of the class is in a classroom. So far so good. Then we moved to a pool to practice with the scuba gear. Thankfully Scott had taken me snorkeling earlier in the week, which allowed me to get used to the concept of breathing normally while under water. (This took a lot of practice, at first I kept holding my breath every time I went under, it was so hard to remember to breath). After the pool portion, I was still nervous, but part of me wanted to do this. Scott suggested we go out on the boat, reassuring me I could drop out at any point.

In order to get into the water we had to fall backwards off of the edge of the boat and into the ocean. This was the part that I was the most afraid of. The group we were diving with all went to one side of the boat to help it lean closer to the water. This made it so that I was practically touching the water when I leaned out of the boat. Scott stayed by my side as I got ready to go and then he went to the other side (which was up in the air) and dove off so he could meet me in the water when I “landed.” With him by my side, I conquered my fear and saw beautiful coral and sea creatures. It was amazing!

He’s continued to hold my hand as we’ve journeyed through caves, along glaciers, up mountains, and as we brought 3 babies into the world. He is a supportive, encouraging, and inspiring coach. Without him I’d have missed so much; with him I feel safe and secure.

For more fun stories and pictures from the past, visit We are THAT Family.


  1. FYI - Crystal is still without power (16 hours and counting) so she gave me a disk and asked me to post this from my work.

    I don't normally comment but let me just say that exploring God's creation with Crystal has been one of the highlights of my life. The "bringing 3 babies into the world" part being our greatest adventure of course.

  2. Happy Anniversary!

  3. What great photos. My hubby has done the same things with me. He challenges me to get our of my comfort zone!

    I hope your power is restored soon. A couple summers ago we went through the same thing. It was so hard---especially with kids! You poor thing and you've got such a sweet hubby for posting this!

    Good luck on the Atari.

  4. Hope that you have power soon. Wondered why we didn't hear from you yesterday. What a beautiful anniversary post. May God continue to bless your marriage and be your power and comfort throughout your life together.

  5. Brave woman! I tried snorkeling once and spazed out and spend the rest of the time sunning myself on the boat! How wonderful that you and your hubby can do such adventurous things together!

  6. What a stud to post for your wife! I salute you!

    Crystal, I'm so sorry about your power. Your post is beautiful, and I would never be 1/10 as daring as you have been, but I love reading about you!

  7. That would scare me too all those tubes and stuff!

    You smiling pix looks a little nervous..but like ok this one's for you babe..what a good wifey!

  8. Oh! Reading how sweet he was to you when you were scared makes me cry. It's so precious!

    I am dying to go scuba diving. My next door neighbor is a scuba teacher...but I'm waiting for the cold hard cash to do the course! I have a friend who has been scuba diving, sky diving, rappelling...I'm so jealous!

    The pictures were great!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Don't you love the symbolism of firsts as a married couple?!?!?

  10. What a guy! He's very encouraging. Isn't it great how our spoises can stretch us and push us to be better than we thought we could be? :)

    I hope your power comes back on soon...I know you're probably foaming at the mouth without the internet! (I know I would be!)

  11. Happy Anniversary. I had to turn my hubby down on the scuba lessons. I settled for snorkeling on our h'moon. I was scared to death, but did enjoy it!

  12. we just snorkled on our honeymoon. you are one brave woman! great tribute to your man.

  13. Looks like fun! Happy Anniversary (a bit late), we celebrate #8 on Tuesday. Our honeymoon was a short little trip to Leavenworth Washington, nothing too exciting, but still nice. You are much braver than I am, I just don't think I could do it... not yet anyway.

  14. Awwww that is the sweetest thing. He is a wonderful guy for putting your blog post up for you and making such sweet comments.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

  15. Happy Anniversary guys!

  16. Oh I ADMIRE you. Those masks make me claustrophobic (sp?) so I will never get to Scuba Dive.

    Happy Anniversary and Wishes of a Blessed Life together!


  17. That is so funny! Some of the only pictures we have on our honeymoon are of us snorkeling!

    Great shots and very sweet tribute to your hubby.


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