Weekend Thoughts: Giving Thanks


*Updated with posts below to people willing to contribute to Weekend Thoughts!*

Psalm 100:4

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."

I often take things for granted and then when something happens and they don't go as usual, I feel a sense of entitlement and am quite put out. I was listening to the Christian radio station today and someone was talking about a ministry (Blood Water Mission) they work for which helps provide clean water to people in Third World countries. He said, "Where you are born should not determine whether or not you have clean drinking water. " This really made me pause.

The events of this week helped me realize that I fail to thank God for...

  • clean water

  • flushing toilets

  • being able to wash my hands after changing a diaper

  • clean dishes

  • an empty dishwasher

  • night lights

  • indoor plumbing

  • rolling over in the middle of the night and knowing what time it is

  • fans

  • being able to open the refrigerator and not worry about causing my food to spoil

  • cold drinks

  • ice

  • hot showers

  • air conditioning

  • instant communication with the outside world

I want to cultivate a thankful spirit in my life and in the life of my children. This week I was reminded of the many things I take for granted. Now that the power is back on and I have my conveniences back, I hope that I can remember to give thanks for the MANY blessings I have. I want to model to my children a thankful heart. I don't want to raise them to think we deserve or are entitled to these luxuries, just because we've always had them.

Week End Thoughts:
My posts typically relate funny anecdotes about the happenings of a stay at home wife and mom with three kids. While my days are seldom “normal” enough to leave me without a “post worthy” moment (i.e. read here), I intend to take some time on the weekend to highlight something from my week that’s a little more “thoughtful” and significant. If you had a post from this week that was reflective in nature, please add a link in the comments section. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Check out these thoughtful posts, posted this week on other blogs.

Daily Dwelling: My Ten Thousand Beside

Muthering Heights: Already


  1. AH - it is so very often that we fail to thank our most gracious and loving Father when things are going smoothly. (and as we want them to be) That is why He often sends a Job situation to test our love and faithfulness. We need the reminder of how much He provides above and beyond our true needs. Then too, we can truly feel the need to help those who don't have these luxuries.
    Thanks for your reminder to be thankful!!

  2. I thank God every morning for "indoor plumbing" when I feel that hot water in the shower! Its also one reason why I enjoy backpacking. It reminds me of how life would be without conveniences. (Hmmm...my dad use to tell a joke about a guy who enjoyed hitting himself in the head with a 2-by-4 because it felt so good when he stopped :) )

  3. It's so easy to take these things for granted, and it really makes me pray harder for people who have to go without!

    I hope you'll check out my Weekend Thoughts at:

  4. I hear you Bob... the best shower I ever took in my life was after backing packing for 2 days in MD in July... I don't ever remember being so hot and sweaty as I was on that second day.

  5. We had lost power for 24 hours because of a tornado, and that was plenty long for me! :) Thanks for stopping by...I LOVE the name of your blog!


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