The Most Annoying Sound in the World

Recently my 2 year old daughter has decided that a good way to pass time in the car is to scream really loudly. It's also a really good way to annoy her older brother.

Typically we start driving down the road and she starts making some annoyingly loud noise and then 2 second after she starts, my son starts screaming, "Yell A Little Bit Quieter" followed by, "Mom, she's not yelling a little bit quieter," over and over. Not long after this the baby starts mimicking the noises she hears and, well, it gets quite loud. Typically, I just tune it out and keep on driving for at least several minutes before asking them all to quiet down. I can actually go several minutes with this chaotic noise in the background before I realize how loud it is.

Here is a 30 second clip of this circus act. Listen and tell me what it reminds you of.

It reminded me of the scene in Dumber and Dumber when he asks the hitchhiker if he wants to hear "the most annoying sound in the world." As I watched this clip I found it is quite similar to a ride in my minivan. The petty fighting.... (lately my daughter will say to my son "no Mam" when he asks her something which drives him insane because it should be "no Sir" since he is a boy and they fight about it incessantly) This clip totally brought out a chuckle. I can't help but think the man sitting in the middle is very much like my poor baby in the backseat silently screaming "Guys, guys, ENOUGH!"

What do you think? Does my daughter do a good Jim Carrey impersonation?


  1. i'm a little concerned that you were taping, while driving, while clearly distracted by the insane amount of sound coming from the back seats of your car. and i love that only faintly can you hear your son in the background verbosely pleading for peace and quiet. :) another classic Circus moment.

  2. TOO FUNNY!!!! I'm glad we don't have to drive very much!

  3. My 3 year old does the SAME thing! What's the deal!??

    Love the video :)

  4. I can only imagine what road trips are like for you!!

  5. My mom and I just watched the videos. That is hilarious! Good comparison.

  6. HA! My youngest is now 7, but when he was a baby, he HATED to have the sun in his eyes as we drove in the car, He would scream bloody murder as I prayed for CLOUDS!!! ;)

  7. Yeah. Annoying. I can see why you call it a circus! ;-)

  8. The sad part is...I felt at home :)

  9. I can't believe you can tune that out. A talent I would love to have. My van sounds similar at times with the addition of my screaming baby. She hates the car.

  10. Found you through POW.

    I am in awe. There is no way I could tune that out whilst driving. I'd have to bribe them with something ridiculous like an instant trip to Disneyland if they would just PLEASE STOP MAKING THAT NOISE! Seriously, I have only one two year old (the other three are older teens) and she is NOT a kid who loves the car. I made my trips as short as possible and when that's not an option I use the DVD player in the car...otherwise car trips would be unbearable.

    Look forward to coming back and reading more.

  11. Thank you for the flashback. It put a smile on my face.

  12. Very funny.

    Girls screaming is so painful to listen to.

  13. SO funny! My Wyatt use to do that too. But it was at the top of his lungs, I mean crazy loud. He was a baby then and totally didn't understand he just knew he was getting attention.

    Good luck keeping sane in the car~

  14. I've gotten VERY good at tuning it out. But so far I only have one. I imagine each additional child/voice makes it a bit more difficult to ignore the noise!

  15. Oh my goodness!! When is your birthday? Would you like a lovely pair of earplugs as a gift?!?! hee hee!!

    happy pow!

  16. Oh honey, I'm sorry! Our two-year-old is going through a phase like this, and I've decided I would rather starve than drive with her to the grocery store. There's just not enough advil in the world...

  17. You were recording this while Now THAT'S multitasking (and a bit scary!). I could never concentrate if my kids did that. Two words: duct tape!

  18. [...] and a 17 mth old “not such a baby anymore” girl, provides me with a ton of blogging fodder. Sharing those moments with the blogging world, somehow makes them not so bad. I aim to keep it real as I strive to bring [...]


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