A New Point of View

Look who's facing forward now!

(Yes, I know she's been legal for 2 mths now, but I read somewhere it was technically safer to face backwards as long as possible, so we delayed turning her around).


Her response, "Hey! Where'd my brother and sister go?  Now I have to stare at the back of Mommy and Daddy's head!"


Check out 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesdays.

Come back on Friday and read a guest post from my SIL!  (She's gonna give you an inside look at the circus life from outside perspective)!


  1. you do make your girls little, don't you! she's so grown up, i can't believe it. i also love the secondary pics of your son. in the first i guess he doesn't realize the picture is being taken. and in the last, he can't let his sister have all the fun!

  2. I've been tempted to turn around my son's carseat, but can't bring myself to do it yet! He'll be 2 yrs old in December!

  3. What a BIG girl!!! She's growing up too quickly...


  4. Oh what a cutey!
    We waited and only turned our 16 month old around a few weeks ago... he too was a bit confused at first!

  5. Yippee, and now she can start kicking the back of the seat like my son does! :)

  6. My son was almost two before we turned his carseat around. He is still so little. Didn't you feel like your daughter had reached a great milestone when you were able to turn her around? I know I did.

  7. She's such a cutie. Love her expression in the second picture

  8. Such a big girl!
    We still have Madi backwards, so I understand what you mean about safety.

  9. AWWW! She is so cute! Will has been a much better traveler since I turned his car seat around.

  10. Oh.. She looks so excited to finally seeing where she is going!

  11. I was just in the same boat. The girl turned one and I delayed facing her forward. Part of it was safety and part of it was the fact I didn't want to admit she was big enough!

  12. I am with you on this one. I too delay turning them around. I feel safer.
    Happy WW!

  13. What a cutie pie! That second picture especially does such a good job of letting her personality show through!

    Happy WW,

  14. I started asking my husband if he thought we could turn them around when our kiddos got to about 10 1/2 months. It was really difficult to tighten the straps on our carseat when it was facing backwards, and I was always ready to be done with it. Our children are enormous, so I justified it to myself by saying that at 10 1/2 months they were larger than many 18 month olds. No Mom of the Year award for me! :)

  15. I always kept my kids rear-facing as long as possible. She's adorable!


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