Mommy's Leaving on a Jet Plane!


image That's right folks, tomorrow Mommy is out of here till Sunday morning.  I'm packing my bags and flying to Dallas for the MOPS Convention.  And while I am really excited at the opportunity to grow as I listen to great speakers and attend workshops, I am also sad to be away from my hubby and kiddos for almost 3 full days.  I know from past experience that when I get there I will have a great time as I am listening to live music, eating dinner out with my friends (experiencing uninterrupted adult conversations for 9 meals), and learning from dynamic speakers.  But I also know that every phone call home will bring tears to my eyes as I long to hold everyone close and kiss them goodnight.  So, it's a bittersweet bag of emotions I'm carrying around today. 

Turns out my hubby is also leaving on a jet plane thanks to a business trip which overlaps with part of my trip.  Whose gonna take care of my circus crew you ask?

Dear Aunt Karen to the rescue!

That's right my sister in law, will be staying here for two days managing our circus act while we are gone.  She'll be driving the minivan to the carpool line at preschool and scavenging around for those shin guards and cleats for soccer practice.  And when she isn't busy serving up mac-n-cheese to the tots, she's agreed to write a guest post for me while I am gone.

That's right folks, you are getting an exclusive back stage pass to the circus life!  What really goes on at this house of ours?  How do the kids behave when Mom and Pops are away?  I know you wanna know... 

And that's not all... I have not one, but TWO guest posts awaiting you this weekend!

... that's right in addition to getting the perspective of an outsider, you will also hear from my hubby.   Daddy is flying solo for the weekend and he's agreed to blog all about.   

Since I need to give them time to experience the circus life before blogging about it, I've written my posts for Thurs and Fri already and set them to post automatically.  (Yes, while I haven't yet packed my suitcase, I have taken time to write my absentee blog posts...take heart dear reader, you rank high on my to do list)!  

This means that you gotta break away from your weekend activities to redeem your back stage pass to Life at the Circus.  I guarantee you won't wanna miss these posts.  And to make it worth your while, I plan to return from convention with at least one give away for one lucky guest post commenter.  Remember, I'm going to a convention geared entirely for mothers, you better believe they'll be some good stuff at the exhibit booths and I promise to share!  (more details to follow... stay tuned and be sure to check back this weekend for my guest posts and LEAVE A COMMENT) 


  1. Hear hear girl!

    Look forward to getting away but I am also carrying around those sad feelings. 3 days is a long time and I'm already looking forward to Sunday!! See you on the plane!

  2. Oh, I hope you have a great time at your MOPS convention! Yes, you'll miss your family, but you'll appreciate them even more when you get back. I'm looking forward to those guest posts, too.

  3. woohoo! get ready because i'm coming tonight!

  4. I hope you have a great time at the convention!

    I'm sure it will be an exciting weekend of posts...

  5. Have a great time and enjoy your little vacation! :)

  6. whoop! whoop! try to enjoy some time away, even though it will be hard. just think how much they'll be glad to see you when you're home!

  7. Wow - your sister in law rocks!!! Can I borrow her sometime!? ;)


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