A Bakers Dozen


 What do you get at an annual weekend get together of 6 high school friends and their families?


13 children 4 and under (ages 4, 3, 3, 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, <1)

Check out 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesdays!


  1. I'll bet they had s much fun playing together!

  2. I'm surprised you could get them all to be still long enough to get a shot! Nobody's screaming but I see a few snacks in hand...
    Happy WW!

  3. OH NO! I absolutely LOVE this. My best friend, of 29 years, and her brother both have 4 kids, they keep egging me on to even us out to a dozen. ROFLOL

  4. I am sooo jealous! I would love to have been there!

  5. That's fun! When we get together with my friend and her sister, we've got 21, between the 3 of us...but not that many are little any more...

    Happy WW!

  6. So I should be going to the gym, but instead i am having my "coffee with Crystal" (karen inspired me). Probably should have taken it as a sign to go, being "WW", and therefore not much to read, but instead, I'm sitting here, getting NOT thin and reading former blogs : ) LOVE YA!!

  7. That had to be pure chaos!LOL How in the world did you get them all to take that picture!

  8. Oh my! Looks like a very busy place and that may have been the only time the kids were still. No doubt they all had a blast playing together.

    Happy WW!

  9. That's awesome you guys get together and do this! What cute kids.

  10. that picture sure ways a lot! 1) you and your friends are very fertile, 2) kids will do anything with food in their hands. love you guys!

  11. What a great picture! Isn't it fun to get all the kids together like that? Our Mom's group at church does 3 or 4 "Lake Days" each summer - we live near Lake Tahoe. One of our biggest had 50+ moms and kids. When we did a count there were 38 kids (ages <1 to 17) and 12 moms. We pretty much take up the small beach we like to frequent. LOL

  12. Oy, I bet that was fun, if somewhat chaotic ;) what a great picture!! :)

  13. And the diaper pail runneth over! Seriously, this is adorable.

  14. They say never work with animals and children, but that many? How on god's green earth did you manage to get them all in the shot!

  15. What fun! Great photo to have when they are all grown!

  16. Snacks for everyone...now say CHEESE! Too cute!

  17. Your own preschool!!! What a fun time they are having. They look so cute.

  18. Okay, so lets see the rest of those pictures Scott took! :) This one is great :) What a fun weekend!


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