What a Little Motivation Can Do


After posting the very real life pictures of the inside of my van last week, I wanted to show you all how very different it looks now.  :-)   Wanna know the secret for my successful transformation?   Friday was my son's first day of preschool and at his school the teachers and administrators come to your vehicle to get your kid out in the morning and drop him off at pick up.   This was not the impression I wanted to leave with my son's preschool.   So Thursday morning I was out cleaning and vacuuming the van. 

Check out the new look.


See the bag hanging there?  It's my van diaper bag... has diapers, wipes, antibacterial wipes, paper towels, sunscreen, bug spray. 


OK, I am really excited about this new little trick.  We took a box and hubby wrapped it with fun paper.  The kids keep all their toys in it.  And they know that before they leave the van, all toys get picked up off the floor and put in the box. (It's been 5 days and so far they've been keeping up with it)!


OK, look closer at the front seat.  Nice, huh?



And the bags have been taken in from the back seat.   I can't fit much more than the double stroller back there.  I do have some plates to return to church tonight from my MOPS cookout, which will remove the last of the clutter. 

So, that was my tackle this week.  And I gotta say, it makes me smile each time I open the door to the van, even if the kids are fighting over whose turn it is to open the door. 

For more tackles, check out 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. Great job!!!! I like the little boy box idea....I think I'm going to steal it!

  2. What a great tackle! Isn't it strange how things run so much better when your vehicle is organized?

  3. Great tackle! Love the diaperbag & box idea!

  4. Wow! Looks great! It's amazing how much stuff we can accumlate in our cars! Maybe that should be my tackle next week!

  5. Congratulations. It looks awesome!

  6. You've inspired me. My car is full of stuff from our weekend of camping and I need to clean it out. I love seeing before and after pictures!! Great tackle!

  7. great job! and once again, you have inspired me. can't wait to hear about preschool. so far, so good for us in that department!

  8. wow. no really.... wow. i've been in that van. i've even driven 8 hours in it. i've never seen it look better. 5 days! this tackle is a keeper!

  9. You did a great job...YAY YOU!!

    You've also inspired me - although we are having heavy rain here today - so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I love the box idea for the kids toys and things....I may have to borrow that one.

  10. Love the tackle and the box! WHat a great idea!

  11. The van looks great! Our school is the same way, with the administrators/teachers opening the van door for the kids. I let one of my kiddos take his pirate pistol with him this morning on the way to school, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal since it would stay in the van. As I pulled up, however, it dawned on me that the school ban on all things "gun" would extend into the parking lot. As the preschool director walked toward the van, I was frantically trying to shove the pistol under my seat! :)

  12. I like the box idea, gotta try that one! Or maybe not, the kids will use it as their personal trash can.

  13. Fantastic job! Great ideas too.

  14. Oh man, that is great. I did the same thing last Tuesday, then on Wednesday I took 4 kids to the park. It was like the cracker box exploded in the van! Not to mention several water bottles, tissues, and sand. Well, one day of cleanliness made me happy anyway. But seriously, I was thinking about coming over and cleaning our your van for you as i thought it would be easy for you to actually lose a child in there :) hee hee

  15. Hurrah it sure does look GRAND
    Almost new looking


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