These Days are so Fleeting


I gotta confess from the start, this is not quite Wordless.


As I was tidying up the house during nap time this week, I found this in my kitchen.  I bent down to pick them up and decided to snap a quick picture first.  Because some day, my kids will be grown and in school, and I won't find half dressed baby dolls lying on the floor beside toy guns with my vacuum attachment stuck on top to turn it into a light saber.  And when I sit alone in my clean and quiet house waiting for my teens to buzz in the door between school, and jobs, and sports, I know I am going to think back to these days (you know the ones with toys covering the floor, and Cheerios in the couch cushions)  And I will miss them, immensely.

So this picture is to remind me to cherish these fleeting days and to savor the time by playing baby doll, and ball, and army, all while cooking dinner and tidying up the house.

For less words and more pictures, check out 5 Minutes for Mom for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. I'm so glad you thought to grab the camera because that photo is priceless! I love what you had to say about it too. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Great picture! It will be great memories for your kids.

  3. Sometimes it just needs to be said, thanks for the reminder!

  4. What a great reminder! Unfortunately, it's one that I need often.

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  6. Looks like the makings of a good cabbage patch doll snuff film.

  7. What does it say about me that the only thing that seemed out of place here was the vacuum attachment???

    Great photos!

  8. LOL what a great picture! Those are the ones to show them when they are older!

  9. Thanks for the precious reminder!
    Have a blessed day!

  10. Great picture and SO true - love playtime :)

  11. Great shot! Enjoy the moment like this.

  12. poor doll she look violated! did the light saber gut her? Very cute shot!

  13. Your post brought tears to my eyes...wonderful reminder to enjoy each and every moment!! Thanks :)

  14. Great shot - you have to remember moments like that.

    Happy WW

  15. Great picture and an even better reason for capturing it. Happy WW

  16. My first thought when I saw the picture was "Uh oh. Somebody grab the chalk. We have a body here." :)

  17. LOL then a big Amen!!

  18. yikes! looks like a murder scene. were you at all tempted to outline tape around her body?

  19. lol that is pretty funny. Good idea to take a picture.. I almost felt emotional as you were saying that you want to remember these times when they are older.. I was thinking of my two little ones.. how fast time is flying by.

  20. Word. It's hard to believe that someday they'll be too busy for mommy time!

    I was kind of expecting a story about y'all playing CSI or something...


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