Behind Closed Doors


Those of you that have read my blog in the past, know I am all about keeping it, this week I'm taking you behind those closed doors and showing you what I don't typically share with anyone.

Our Master Bedroom

The bedroom is supposed to be a place of calm and relaxation...where you can rest...a place of rest and rejuvenation.  I read somewhere that you should decorate it with things that are sentimental and special to the two of you, a place that is yours as a couple.  OK, so I do have some sentimental wedding and honeymoon mementos hanging in the room, but the place was FAR from a sanctuary of rest and relaxation.   To be honest, our room became the place we stashed things before company came over (hence the CLOSED doors).  Our paper trail had gotten OUT OF CONTROL.  The piles on my counter would get stashed on top of hubbies dresser when I was tidying up.  When his dresser got out of control, the stashes flowed to his dresser drawers and eventually even his bed stand drawers. 

Wondering how it got this bad?  Well, when our second child was born, we moved our son into what used to be our office and put her in his nursery.  So, we lost our office.  We moved a filing cabinet into our room to help keep the papers organized, but I didn't stay on top of filing RIGHT AWAY, and as the pile grew, it morphed out of control.  As you can see here.


I honestly started this tackle in early August.  I'd get paper sorted to be filed  IMG_4465

and then one or more kiddos would wake and I'd have to abandon ship only to end up piling them all up again that night to crawl into bed. 

So, Daddy took the kids out one evening and this allowed me to get all the papers filed and stuff put away.  See how much better it looked that night?


I'm so excited, I'm going to let you get another look at that dresser.  I moved his nightstand so that I could actually get into the file cabinet (making it MUCH easier to stay on top of filing those papers) and then I put our printer on top of it (a much better spot than on the floor).  I guess you can call our master bedroom our bedroom/office.


This left me feeling so rejuvenated and excited that I set off to tackle my dresser.





So, the next day (this was a MULTI, MULTI day project)  I decided to clean out under my bed.  The big kids were happily painting with water colors and my baby girl was enjoying playing with the many things I found under our bed.IMG_3326

The kids were being really good and quiet (smell trouble...just wait) so I decided to vacuum the TON of dog hair I discovered under my bed... Whew, I was flying high so excited by how productive I was being.   This should have triggered some warning bells in my mind.  It did, but not soon enough...

I went out to check on the big kids to find my son had splattered paint all over my wall. 


I couldn't get it to come out in a picture, thankfully b/c watercolors aren't all that bright.  I did capture my son's remorse over being caught in his disobedience.  I went down stairs very frustrated to get some paper towels to clean the paint off of the walls.  I was so close to finishing my "den of relaxation" and was quite annoyed with the additional hurdle.  IF ONLY THAT WAS IT...

However, when I went down for the paper towels, I found this mess awaiting me.


We'd had someone at our house earlier that day to install fiber optics and he had knocked the overflow tube out of place .  So when my washing machine drained, it drained all over our work room instead of down the pipes. 

Now, I was REALLY discouraged...I called my dear hubby and since it was the end of the day, he was able to come home and help me clean out the work room, and suck up the water. 

Not to be defeated, the next day I went back to the bed...


Check it out, there is NOTHING there!!  YIPPEE!

I am learning that with three kids under 4, tackles take a bit of time.  You gotta tackle things many small steps at a time.  But, I am so excited with the end result!  For more satisfying tackles, check out 5 Minutes for Mom.



  1. Wow! You've been one busy girl! I have file folders EVERYWHERE to stick papers in. Now, I just need to organize the file folders!

  2. I know your pain, I mean where do all those papers come from?!
    You did an awesome job.
    Maybe I'll get brave and show my (not used) bedroom too. It's way worse than yours!

  3. Maybe I'll just email you the pic!

  4. Wow! I'm impressed with all the work you got done and your ability not to get sidetracked by everything else going on around you!

  5. oh, crystal... i feel so bad for you. this is way worse that you made it sound on the phone. (the flood, I mean, not the room!) congrats on getting it all finished - staying undaunted despite the if-it's-not-one-thing-it's-another. well done!

  6. Wow! Your tackle looks great! My problem isn't so much papers in the master bedroom as it is laundry. I can never seem to get all the piles out of there. It doesn't make for much of a relaxing place!

    P.S. I think you should have made fiber optics man come clean up the flood :)

  7. Wow!! You did an awesome job! I struggle with our bedroom, too. Since my washer/dryer is in the kitchen, the bedroom becomes the "laundry room" where I sort and fold and the clothes sit until I finally get around to putting them away! You did an awesome job tackling all those papers!

  8. WOW!! What a great job. And think of it this way -you even wiped down walls and cleaned floors too!!! LOL I feel SO bad for you but
    Mission Organization would be impressed :-)
    PS - good thing it was water colors :-)

  9. I would have just cried when I saw the paint and the flood. Cried and then called hubby while crying. I'm a big cry baby.

    Good work! I almost feel inspired to tackle something myself!
    Is that The Same Kind of Different As Me I see in the pic on your nightstand? I read that book a little while ago....I thought it was just terrific.

    Have a good week!

  10. What a great job you did on all the papers and getting the master bedroom to be more of a haven for you and your hubby!

    I would have given up and felt defeated after finding paint on my walls - let alone a flood in the work room.

    YAY You - for seeing the beginning project through, and dealing with the other two as well!!

  11. I guess it's a good thing you were already on a roll with the tackling when things went haywire...and thank goodness your husband was able to come home to help with the flooding - it really looks like a big job!

  12. Hey! That's Buzzlightyear under your bed! Hahahaha! Your son caught in the act!. Yikes on the flooding .The masters bedroom looks great! You did a good job!

  13. Wow!! You were really busy!!! I LOVE a good cleaning out! :)


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