Spiderman Strikes at Nap Time


Since my son turned 4 I no longer require him to nap every day.  But to keep my sanity ensure that he has some down time, I do require him to have a quiet, rest time in his room while his sisters are napping.  Most of the time he ends up spiderman blogfalling asleep.  Other times, he reads or plays with toys on his bed.  On Monday afternoon he found a red pen in his room during this time and decided to  transform himself into Spider Man.  This is what I saw when I let him out of his room that day.  Like the Spiderman hands?


  He's informed us that when he grows up, he wants to be Spider Man.  He then asked me, "What does Spider Man do?"  Since I am not exactly a comic book expert, I replied, "climbs walls."  He then asked Daddy if he will build him a wall for him to climb like Spider Man.


  1. LOL, I wonder if he'll find some green markers and try to be the Incredible Hulk next time?

    Uncle Jordan is a Spiderman expert! He would love to chat with him, and give him all the Spidey info!

  2. wow. when does his imagination stop? jim knows quite a bit about comic books, too. next weekend might be very interesting. i can see it: both uncles cornered by a 4 year old with questions coming a mile a minute. and good questions, too, not just a bunch of "whys". love you!

  3. I am so envious that you have a 4 year old who will nap occassionally.

    My little ones gave up napping at 18 and 15 months. I miss it dreadfully.

    Very impressive spiderman hands.

  4. That is too funny! At four they have such imaginations! My niece was exactly the same way, except she wanted to be Cinderealla when she grew up and brush hair all the time.
    Happy POW!!

  5. I think my favorite part of this post was me imagining him coming at you (camera ready, of course) as the picture shows as you opened the door.

    Just makes me laugh in my head!

  6. Oh funny! Little boys crack me up. You know, spiderman is also a photographer for the newspaper....got an old camera hanging around?

  7. LOL too funny! He didn't color anywhere else right?? :)

  8. You really can't be too mad when they are being so creative.

  9. I HATE markers! My daughter likes to color herself just as we're heading out the door to somewhere important. Usually it's just with the washable kind, but sometimes she finds one of my husband's red work sharpies. On those days, she could be your son's accomplice!

  10. This is so funny because my POW post is about the super hero subject too!

    Love the "Spider Man" hands - too funny!

  11. WOW!

    Yet another reason I hate to give the Little Imp pens or markers of any kind. There must be something with toddlers and preschoolers, something inate that compells them to draw all over themselves, the walls and the furniture...THE CAT!

  12. Monica from Mommy2NatKatCJFriday, July 11, 2008

    That is too funny. How long did it take to scrub the red off of him?

  13. ha ha ha!!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!
    Thank you SO MUCH for taking a picture...because you know I would have been DYING for pic if you hadn't!!

    Tell Spiderman I think he's one cool dude!

  14. Oh the trouble they'll find!

  15. Oh yes - his Uncle will be so proud of the influence he had when born - remember the newborn spidey outfit?? And you thought you were getting some sanity time:-) Hope it was a washable marker. Do they make oxiclean for people?!?!?!?

  16. When I was seven my mom took me to see Spiderman, live and in person, at the local mall. I waited in line for an hour or so to get his autograph. When I got to the front of the line, he asked me for my name to make the autograph out. I told him "Jill."

    Jill is not my name. I have no idea why I told him that except that I was nervous becaue, come on, it was SPIDERMAN.

    My point is, Spiderman can have a crazy effect on any of us. I can relate.

  17. That would have been my answer too. Too cute!


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