I've been tagged again!!

Megan tagged me with this a little over a week ago, and I thought it was past time to play along.  So, in case you didn't learn enough about me on my 100th post ... here's more!!

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?
It was the summer after my freshman year of college.  My parents moved to PA so I was spending the summer with them and preparing to transfer from Towson University to Slippery Rock Univeristy.  My parents were in the process of building a new home so we were living in the basement while they were building the upstairs.  I had two summer jobs that year... I worked at a nursing home (one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs I've ever had) and I also worked as a waitress at a country club.  It was a tough summer.  My boyfriend (future hubby Scott) was in MD, I was in PA, and I had no friends in PA.  I pretty much just worked a ton to save for college.

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today?
1.Help at VBS-- I have to leave the house by 8 am (with all 3 kids)  YIKES!

2. I really, really need  to start on my scrapbook for my baby... her party is in 11 days and I keep putting it off... I think it just seems so big I don't know how to start.

3. Run

3. Do laundry  (You all know how good I am at crossing that off my list)

4. Tidy up kitchen and living room

5.  Take care of some of my MOPS responsibilities before our steering meeting next week.

3) Snacks I enjoy:
OREOS , ice cream, grapes, cereal, toast with home made strawberry jam on it, cookies and milk

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire: In no particular order...
*have a ton of fun finding organizations to donate to--particularly helping the poor and impoverished in the world, and the homeless in the US as those are two causes my husband and I feel strongly about.

* get waterfront property

* buy my husband a sailboat

* get NFL season package so I could watch all the Steelers games

*hmmm throw in the big screen, high def TV too

* and maybe get season tickets to go watch the games with my hubby and my parents

*send the kids to private school

* adopt several kids

* TRAVEL LOTS--- go to Europe, Hawaii, see all the National Parks in the US-- including in the Samoas

5) Places I have lived:
Ohioville, PA

Anne Arundel County, MD

Ohioville, PA

Anne Arundel County, MD

(funny how full circle my life went... I was born in western Pa lived there till I was in Kindergarten, then my parents moved to MD...I remember being devasted at moving so far from my grandparents and all my cousins... then the summer before my freshman year of college, my parents decided to move back to PA and I followed them after my freshman year... their house was 1/2 mile down the street from their first house)  When I got married my husband and I moved to Anne Arundel County MD. 

6) Jobs I have had:(OK this will be a seriously long list)



Summer day camp counselor at a camp for kids with special needs

I was hired to work at Shoney's and when I went to show up for my first day, found out they had gone out of business... nice, huh?

Bath and Body Works

School Library at SRU and GCC

GCC cafeteria

Nursing Home (yes, I had to give baths to men older than my grandpa and help them do EVERYTHING... it was so humbling and hard, but I also felt like I truly got to serve people and in some ways it was one of the most rewarding jobs I've had)

Waitress at Country Club

Telemarketer-- WORST job I have EVER had.... people are so mean, they cuss at you, hang up on you.... I always lost my voice by Wed of every week from talking all day 40 hrs a week.

Back to Chick-Fil-A again this time in PA with my little bro as my manager

Temp agency

Arnold Christian Academy as a 3rd grade teacher

Current: Full time Mom to three great kiddos

7) People I want to know more about:

Jessica , Monica , Sarah


  1. Yum...something about your blog always leaves me wanting cookies!

  2. i remember that nursing home job! wow, that seems like an eternity ago. and i don't envy you the all-nighters you'll be having to FINISH THAT SCRAPBOOK! seriously, girl. do i need to come up and help you? :)

  3. Don't give up - check back a few days to your post about perservering and consistency! You WILL get the book done! As you once told me - just start and it will come.
    You have had an interesting life, don't you think??

  4. Just pull another all-nighter and get the scrapbook done!! Oh, yeah, we're not in college anymore :)

    Loved reading up on your life. Sounds like you have had fun while running in your circle!

  5. Ok, so when did you end up at GCC? How long were you at each school? Matt also did a short stint (one semester, I believe) at Towson before he transfered to Grove City. Thanks for playing - I enjoyed learning more about you!

  6. I went to Towson my freshman year and really liked it there, but when my parents moved to PA so did instate tuition. I transferred to Slippery Rock Univ my sophomore year and hated it. Since I spent every weekend on Karen's bunk anyway, I decided to transfer to Grove City, which I did in Jan of my sophomore year. I couldn't get a room on campus so I rented a room from a security guard right across the street from the President's house. I wish I could have lived in the dorm though... I know I missed out on a lot that way.

  7. [...] at Life at the Circus tagged me for this meme a little over a week ago and this seemed like the best time to [...]


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