Don't Quite Have Eyes in the Back of My Head


Ya know how they say Mom's have eyes in the back of their head? I'm not sure exactly when my extra set will arrive... do my children have to reach a certain age, or do I need to have a certain number of children? Seems that with a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and an almost 1 year old... I could really use those extra set of eyes...NOW!

Here is a video clip I took 1 month ago of my baby girl playing with a sword. Yes, when you have a big brother you grow up accustomed to such weaponry. I was actually on the phone with my mom when I saw her playing with the buttons on the TV and got out the camera. You can hear I was quite taken with her, cooing at her and what not. But, pay careful attention to what is going on behind me. That's right... look at the reflection in the TV behind her, there you will find the real nugget in this home video. Thanks to my hubby for the slow motion replay at the end of the clip.


Yes, that would be my son leaping from couch to couch.  See him running and jumping on my furniture?    Until reviewing the video this week I was completely oblivious to the shenanigans that had gone on behind me.  Guess this circus mommy isn't quite as good at multitasking as she thought!  So, while I am having a precious little video session with my baby sword fighter, it seems there is a whole other circus act going on behind me.  Wonder if that is what my baby is babbling to me about?   Yup, I definitely haven't reached the "eyes in the back of my head Mommy status" yet. Not sure where I need to go to pick them up, but I need them soon, before my kids realize the extent of Mommy's oblivion.


  1. That is just too funny!! The "eyes in the back of my head" have failed me many, many times as well.

  2. Oh that is great...that video should def. be something you show them all the time. It will end up being a great family joke! TV screen: better than mom's 3rd eye!

  3. Hahaha! That's excellent! I love that there's slow motion involved, and I love that you were so completely unaware! Too funny :)

  4. That's really funny! Did he get in trouble after the fact?

  5. He didn't get in trouble after the fact b/c it took me a month to find out about it. I don't know that he would know what I was punishing him for if I did anything about it now. BUT, I will keep my eyes open for future dancing on the furniture incidents and be sure to correct him on it!

  6. That's hilarious!! Kids are something else!LOL

  7. When your kids' daddy was growing up there were lots of times I wish my third eye hadn't been covered with hair. Lots of Love and Fun memories. Like the time he decided to "finger paint" in the cooled ashes from our wood stove. . . . all over the sofa, rug and table. . . what a mess. He was so clueless to the mess he was making. I have the picture to prove it. How do you punish a child when you are laughing so hard?

  8. This is hilarious! I love it.

  9. Forget the eyes in the back of the head (although it really scares the kids that there is a possibility of this being true), but it's the prayer that they know that mom and day pray that even if we don't see what they do, that they get caught regardless - CASE IN POINT with your video! :)

  10. ha ha ha!!! That is SO FUNNY!! I didn't see it at first...but then I did....and I'm the floor over here laughing!

    happy pow!

  11. I love the slow-mo replay! That's too funny! You didn't tell him about your secret did you? Now you can use this to your advantage...

  12. At thisp oint even two pairs of eyes would not suffice in my life. I need at least 3!

  13. Oh. My. Gosh. I literally laughed out loud. Sounds like something my kid would do. She's at THAT stage. *wink*
    Happy POW!

  14. So that's what I have to look forward to!

  15. Oh YES _ by the giggles and the comment about the sword fighting - Big Bro KNEW where your focus was (and it wasn't on him!) LOL Did you not hear the thuds as he hit the couch?!?! It is too cute.

  16. Happy POW!!! This is so funny.

  17. I'm the worst multitasker EVER!!! I swear I can only (somewhat) focus on one thing at a time and that is pushing it. So I feel your pain.

    Happ POW!

  18. lol~ Love the video. This is so typical of what's happening around here too. And my son was watching this video with me, and is now asking for a sword just like that. Go figure. Happy POW!

  19. i had a good out-loud giggling session watching this. i love that he's talking to you while he's doing it. almost taunting you, but in a completely innocent sounding way. this is a classic. :) (good job, scott, with the high-tech slow-mo!)

  20. isn't it the truth! omg too funny!

  21. Yeah, I sometimes miss those 'little' things and sometimes I just too tired of yelling about not doing it that I let it slide. Super Nanny would be so disappointed!

  22. Awesome, lol. My daughter THINKS I have eyes in the back of my head, and that's good enough for now.

  23. That is hilarious! Things like that happen to me all the time at work (I teach preschool)...just don't tell the parents I said that!


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