Princess For A Day


IMG_4522This week I celebrated my birthday.  As I mentioned yesterday, I love birthdays.  Even though I am a "grown up" now and I am not supposed to care about my birthday, I do.  A lot.  I don't just look forward to it.  I count down the weeks and days until it arrives.   When I was a kid I used to have my parents wake me up to say Happy Birthday at the exact minute I was born.  1:52 AM  (I have since outgrown that birthday tradition)! 



IMG_4513 My husband and kids went all out this year and treated me like a princess.  Can I tell you I enjoyed every minute of the attention and fuss?  I slept in and was treated to breakfast in bed... my favorite, home made blueberry muffins with milk chocolate Ovaltine.  I was then crowned with my tiara and flower lei which I wore all day. 



IMG_4758I had mentioned to my husband recently that I would love to see a penguin in real life.  We've been to the National Zoo twice with the kids, but never to the Baltimore zoo.  So my dear hubby took a vacation day and surprised me with a trip to the zoo.  This zoo had penguins, and polar bears.  I think I shouted louder than the kids when I saw the polar bear jump into the water and swim right in front of us.  It was amazingly close.  We found a quiet spot for a picnic lunch.   At the time we sat down not much was going on behind us.  Shortly after a whole camp of kids started crowding us out.  I should have realized that animals had arrived.  When I stood up to get out people's way, I saw that the once rather empty space previously occupied by a lonely rhino, had been filled with an African safari.    There was rhino, ostrich, and zebra all scurrying around behind us while we at our Subway.  I love the zoo.  Seeing the animals up close, makes me feel like a kid myself and I am continually amazed at our awesome Creator God as I observe the beauty and exquisiteness of His creatures.  My favorites today were the giraffe, elephant, polar bears, and penguins.



After a fun afternoon at the zoo, we went home I was treated to my favorite foods for dinner and my hubby and kids made me the  traditional cake and ice cream.   When I blew out my candles, I didn't even make a wish... my dreams have all come true already, what more could I wish for?


A few things that made me smile today...


  • IMG_4567While opening a musical birthday card.  My two year old's face lit up and she instantly started dancing.  When I opened my next card, which was a normal card, she took it, opened it again and remarked, "Uh-oh it's not working!" 
  • My two year old looked over at me at breakfast, pointed to my lei and said, "You're cute!" 
  • At the zoo, when my son saw the ostrich, he mistakenly called it a peacock.  I corrected him and told him they were ostriches.  A few minutes later he said, "Aren't these supposed to be pink?"  Wrong bird again.
  • My son sang me a song called Birthday Rock this evening.  When we asked him where he heard it he responded, "I dreamed about it a long time ago and have been waiting to sing it." 


IMG_4697While some of the pictures in this post will most likely make it to a scrapbook (even though the grown adult wearing her tiara on her own free will is great black mail material for someone), I think this lunch shot which captures 4 different people all taking a bite at the same time and each looking in a different direction, probably won't.  For more fun or embarrassing pictures and stories, visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.





  1. Happy Birthday! I LOVE that you wore your tiara to the zoo. That just beats all. I know what to ask for this year on my birthday.

    What a sweet family you are! I love that you have it all.

    Me too!

  2. Awww, it looks like you had a great day! Birthdays are the best! :)

    We are looking forward to presenting you with your gift this weekend, which will further extend the celebrating!

  3. Happy Birthday to you!!! It looks like you had a wonderful day! I'm glad you were pampered by your precious family. My favorite is the "Birthday Rock" song by your son...what a sweetie!!

  4. Hi-I've visited your site a time or two before through we are that family....I love your birthday story!! Your husband (and kids) sounds like he did a fantastic job making your birthday a great, memorable one! And the tiara looks great too!! Happy Birthday!

  5. I love the Tiara. And on the path of telling my husband when my birthday is, I will tell him that I would love the tiara too!

  6. Happy Birthday...every girl needs a!

  7. That sounds like one great birthday. You are a lucky girl!

  8. I think you are the only person in the world who loves birthdays as much as me! And I really need to find a crown, so I won't have to go around saying it's my birthday to get attention I will just smile at all the stares as I go walking about!

  9. Hi, this is the first time I've visited your blog. Happy Birthday! My birthday is next month. It's the big 3-0 for me. I'm like you. When I was 13 or 14 I made a sign for our back door that said "____ shoppings days till Sabrina's birthday." I counted it down for 30 days I think. Everyone thought it was funny, but you bet I got my presents on time. This year I've planned to celebrate the whole month, and you can bet there will be a lot of tiara-wearing here too. It looks like you had a great day.

  10. What a great princess day!

  11. I love birthdays, too! Mine is coming up on the 24th of this month....I'll be 39. And I STILL look forward to it. ;)

    I loved reading your post and looking at your pics.... Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! Oh just be thankful you were not yet old enough to have BIG hair....and wear a lame dress! ;)

  12. How fun! I love that you wore your crown all day!

  13. SO GLAD that you had such a wonderful birthday - glad to see that the family has taken up where we left off celebrating your special day. Love the tiara!! What a great post - scrapbook worthy, I would say

  14. It looks like you had a fantastic birthday! I love the tiara and the fact that you drink Ovaltine. :)

  15. Happy Birthday! What a sweet family you have!

  16. I think it's a great not to worry what others think. When I make my husband do something goofy I tell him quit worrying what other people are thinking and have a good time. I'm sure it made your kids day that you were a princess out in public! Thanks for sharing. Great photo of you with your cake all lit up.

  17. Happy Birthday! What sweet things for your kids to say! I very reluctantly wore a crown at my birthday dinner, and posted it on the blog. Still not sure what I was thinking. Your tiara was way cuter!

  18. awww so sweet. Happy Birthday. I'll play a card you can dance too for ya!

  19. Happy Birthday!! Mine was on the 8th.

    I fully expect to be treated like a Princess on my birthday. Sometimes, I can drag it out for about a week :)

  20. Happy Birthday, sounds like and looks like you had an awesome day!!

  21. I love that you wore your tiara all day -- even to the zoo! You must have a good self-image!

    Happy Birthday!

  22. That's awesome! I love that your family treated you like a princess on your special day. I am the same way about birthdays. Whether they are mine, my husbands', or my kids' birthday they ALWAYS have to be a big deal!

    Thanks for sharing your pictures. You have a beautiful family!

  23. AWESOME! I just love a birthday too. My hubby threw me a surprise 40th b'day party this year and I LOVED it! Great photos and the tiara is spectacular!


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