Bottom of the List


Anyone want to guess what this picture shows....


That is the roof of our "white" Ford Escape.  I guess you could say its been awhile since car washing made it to the top of the to-do list. 

You know it's time to go it again when your kid hears the term 'car wash' and responds with a giggle, "You can't wash cars!  That's silly!" 

Ummm....yea...the last time we washed our car this is what my son looked like.

 washing the car

2 years later... the picture has changed somewhat.


And we've acquired a little more "help."  Daddy's helpers

Seems the circus life has kept us a bit distracted over the past 2 years... Yes, I am embarrassed to admit the last time we washed our car was May of 2006.  Our middle daughter is actually older then our son was that last time.  Pathetic!

But now that we have such eager helpers, I am sure we will make it out to wash them again before our son is in kindergarten.  And maybe another 3 or 4 times before he is driving them? Maybe....

 playing in the soapIMG_5791

Check out 5 Minutes for Mom for more Tackle it Tuesdays.


  1. I think we'll be in the same boat by the time we leave Germany! Our mini-van is too big to fit into the car washes here and we don't have a place to wash it by hand!! When I was a teenager I loved to wash the, not so much!

  2. i hope their eagerness stays with them. kids will do anything for a couple bucks. i looks like they had fun! you had no idea what you were missing out on. :)

  3. LOL, while they're at it, I'd be happy to pull my car in for a scrub down...

  4. My husband has a car lot and I used (before Madi) to wash all the cars for him. Sometimes around 17 in one day!
    I wonder why we lose that sense of finding the joy in things like that? I loved washing my moms car as a little girl. Our car is white too. Sometimes I wish it was the color of dirt!

  5. I guess mine could use a washing, too! Ok, it really hasn't been waxed in years. Washed, maybe . . . waxed, not so much.

  6. Oh, I can clean the inside, but doing the outside of a vehicle isn't a real concern because the rain will eventually rinse it off. Your children are adorable!

  7. WHAT? You are actually supposed to wash your car?!?!?! That is news to me.

    My husband just traded his Hyundai Santa Fe for something a bit sportier. While the Santa Fe was never washed - his new baby gets a bath every week. However, the mom-mobile just sits and never gets a bath. I wonder if cars can be jealous of each other?

  8. Your blog title is so cute I had to come and see it! Yea for a clean car! That always feels nice.

  9. That is so funny. I'd say it was long overdue but totally understand that it's usually the last thing to get done.

  10. Ours gets washed twice a year - right before my in-laws come to visit! Great tackle!

  11. I thought the picture was a granite sample and you were redoing your kitchen ... I think I would like that even more than a clean car!!

  12. I was going to guess granite! Our van needs a sound scrubbing, but thankfully it is a silver color...less dirt shows :)

  13. I just took ours through the car wash - and they don't even get that very often :-) But it looks like there are some great helpers for the next time. What fun on a sunny summer day.

  14. Aww..the kids look so cute! I bet they had fun with all that water :D .


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