I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream For...


Baby's First Ice Cream!!






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  1. That is ADORABLE! I love her precious face covered in ice cream! What a great spot to plant her in for the photo shoot, too!!

  2. wow - when you guys do ice cream, you DO ice cream! she looks so thrilled by it all! she is such a cutie. :)

  3. Precious! Beautiful light in your photos, and nice composition too, but best of all she is adorable! What a beautiful moment to capture!

  4. I hope she didn't eat too much icecream!lol

  5. Do you think she'll want to eat right out of the tub every time? She's really lovin'it! Happy WW!

  6. oh, she is just adorable. Looks like she is having a grand 'ol time!
    Michelle (raisinglittlewomen.com)

  7. Wow she's really going for it! I didn't give Madi ice cream until she was a year old...people thought I was so mean but I just worried about her teeth. She's eats it often now :)

  8. We waited until after her first birthday as well.
    And to be clear, she didn't get to eat this whole container.
    We decided to go to the park and bring along some ice cream. Since, we had this left over from her party, we just grabbed the bucket. We figured, let the kids eat some and we'll throw the rest away when they are done...we didn't want all that ice cream in the house. :-)

    Plus, it made for a good photo opp, don't ya think??

  9. What a cutie! Who doesn't love ice cream AND babies!

  10. Awe! Look at that happy girl!! Happy WW!!

  11. The whale pool came from Family Dollar they were sold out so the manager gaves us hers for free!
    The big pool we got at Walmart for $199 and it was easy to put up-you blow up the ring and the water makes the pool rise. So, it does take a long time to fill up, but very easy.
    Good Luck.

  12. Wow, a girl after my own heart. Very sweet! Happy WW!

  13. Those are soooo cute and I love the lighting too.

  14. These are AWESOME pics! Oh, there's nothing like a bowl of ice cream...wish I could remember my first one!! :)

    I'm sorry I haven't been commenting as much lately. We're busy unpacking still and family is visiting on and off for a few weeks. Trying to keep up the blog, but whew...even that's tough most days! Looks like you all are having a great summer!! :)

  15. That's just adorable!! Those are the best memories. I just wish they didn't grow so fast. Thanks for sharing something so precious with us on this WW!!

  16. It looks like someone likes ice cream as much as her mommy! :)

  17. Now that is bowl of ice cream!!! Lucky girl. :) Too funny!

    Happy WW!

  18. Those are great photos!

    Too bad when we get older we can't get away with diving into a gallon bucket of ice cream like that!

  19. those photos are so cute!

  20. Such a cutie - and what a bowl of ice cream!! Great photo opportunity!
    Looks like she enjoyed each bite.

  21. Now THAT is the way to eat ice cream!


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