Hide and Seek


We have a tradition at our house that we do every day when Daddy comes home.  I don't know exactly when or how it started, but as soon as Maggie (our dog) barks to let us know he's home, my older two children dash and hide.  Daddy then has to find them.  I'm sure the words, "Daddy's home...HIDE!"  were just the words he longed to hear after a hard day of work, but he always plays along and looks "high and low" till he finds them and is greeting with smiles and giggles.  My son has actually gotten quite good at hiding, but my daughter still has a lot to learn. 

hiding under rug

hiding in closet

aren't we good hiders


Hmmmm.....where could she be?

For more Wordless Wednesdays, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. Those little feet sticking out from under the pillow are irresistible! And the eyes peering over don't help any. That girl needs a hug! :)

  2. I love when they hide from us in plain sight! I agree the eyes over the top are too cute! Happy WW!

  3. These are really funny. I love the pillow one. What a fun game for Daddy! ; )

  4. Yeah, hiding under a pillow or blanket isn't exactly "going off the grid" is it? :)

  5. TOO FUNNY!! You know, I think that's how I respond to most of your posts, because THEY ARE! My mom tried to teach my girls to play hide and seek when she was here and they just didn't quite get it. They had fun, though!

  6. Too cute. I'm sure Daddy doesn't mind looking for them!

  7. Oh, those are just too cute!! Great fun for the kids!!

  8. Too funny! The blanket on the head is the best!

  9. We have the exact same thing going on at our house. Ella actually yells out the window to her dad "don't come in yet". They do it when anyone at all comes over which can get a bit old. I'll have to take pictures of the two places they hide - constant rotation between the two!

  10. Kids are funny! I know Dad just LOVES that he has to find them before he can relax!LOL

  11. Cute picture! And I love your blog header. That's awesome.

  12. Those pictures had me laughing pretty hard. It reminds me of my daughter when she would hide as a toddler. She would laugh so hard t hat we always knew where she was.

  13. Until they have their own children, they'll never know how much they entertained us. My 16 month old thinks if she closes her eyes I can't see her!

  14. LOL, I think the blamket is my favorite hiding spot, LOL!

  15. They are just TOO precious. I epecially like it when Maggie barks and they THINK Daddy is home! Surprise!!!!

  16. That is so adorable! I don't know which one I like best, the one with the rug over her head, or the pillow with the feet sticking out.

    Good times!

  17. We do this too!

    Kevin will say in the requisite sing song voice, "Where're my girls?" and they never can resist answering, "Right here dada!" and the little always comes out gleefully giggling.

    These pictures are priceless--especially the pillow hider!


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