Anyone Miss Me??


I know I didn't post this weekend AND it is now Monday afternoon and still nothing...

I started a brief summary in pictures of my weekend's activities 2 hours ago, but then 5 phone calls and 3 kids up from there naps later and I am still left with this....






yea, so.... I am now feeding my kids some scrambled eggs and then am off to drop my kids off at a friend's and head to set up for our MOPS meeting tonight.....

Please, oh please, come back and visit tomorrow!

I plan to write a post tonight after my meeting...when the house is again quiet... Got lots of pics and anecdotes to share, just need the time to type them.

See ya real soon!


  1. Ummm, I think you had a pretty good excuse!

  2. You have kids.

    I have kids.

    Therefore, may I say......

    I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See you tomorrow! :)

  3. I missed ya! But, I know just how 24 hours can fly by when you have kids...and I only have 1!!

  4. no pressure. see you tomorrow!


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