Some Things Are Timeless...


Bil Keane originally published this in the 60's...isn't it great to know some things never change?



  1. LOL But now you have portable phones and cell phones!!! But you have to admit - we still get those pesky solicitors.

  2. Sometimes I wish things were like they were back then though. My cell phone always rings when I'm using a public bathroom!!!!

  3. haha! i'm not a mom, but we've been getting phone calls like crazy. silly politicians, don't they know they're wasting my time?

  4. Yes, I just LOVE it when I am on the way out the door and hear the phone ring and think about leaving it go, but then ask, "What if it is Scott calling about...?" and so I grab the baby, run up the stairs, open the gate, and grab the phone only to hear, "Hi.... I am John Mc Cain encouraging you to get out and vote." Yea...I just love it when that happens....

  5. What is that curly thing attaching the handset to the wall?

  6. I'm exactly like you--comment #4--My favorite Bil Keane cartoon is where the mom cleans the house and keeps her family out in the backyard instead of letting them come back in.


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