A Right of Passage


  Most scrapbooks include pictures of baby's first steps, first food, first drink from a sippy cup... but where do you put the picture of the first time baby ripped the wallpaper border above her crib? IMG_8556

In our house it's become a sort of right of passage.

Thank goodness we had lots of extra border from the first time we did the nursery.  Poor Winnie the Pooh has been ripped 3 different times!

When my son ripped it we didn't bother replacing it until we moved him to his big boy room and got the nursery set up for the next baby.   Shortly before my daughter was born we replaced it and Pooh was fine until my daughter was a little over a year old.  One day she too noticed the border puckering out at the bottom and took a nice rip out of the border.   By this time I was pregnant, again, and we left it that way until she had moved into her toddler bed in her new room with her big brother.  And, shortly before baby number 3 was born, we fixed the border, again.  I guess it became one of our routine baby prep chores...replace border above crib before packing hospital bag!

One day last week I went in to get my youngest daughter from her crib after her nap.  I had heard her babbling in there for quite a while.  Turns our she has now reached our unofficial family milestone. 

I guess something about that border just begs to be torn as my little tots lay in their crib staring up at it. 



Now the question is, how long will the border stay like that if we don't have a hospital bag to pack first?

For more pictures that won't see the inside of a scrapbook, but beg to not be forgotten, visit We are THAT Family.


  1. Oh, that's funny! I had to redo part of my toddler's room for the same reason!

  2. I love the last photo! She's saying "what, I don't see anything!"

  3. I'm thinking they might not like Winnie the Pooh : /

  4. Hey, that sounds familiar. Both of my children have done this to me... (shaking my head in frustration).

  5. I am appalled that they would do this to classic Winnie-ther-Pooh. Now, if it was Elmo...

  6. Just leave it...or have the three kiddos get together and rip it all the way down when you're ready to turn the room into a big kid room! And by the way, that's an adorable baby!!

  7. She looks very proud of her work! Maybe its time to just redecorate all together!

  8. You're kids are fantastic free-form artists in the making! :)

  9. she's like "what? did I do somthing ???" very cute and yep a constant reminder of the things that really don't matter. Glad you know this!

  10. so the real question is, does this mean it's time to prepare for number 4?????

  11. Oh that last picture is hysterical! "what did I do?" haha

  12. That's hilarious! If you decide to have #4, perhaps you should keep the crib in the middle of the room!

  13. I love the look of innocence on her face. Priceless.

    I also like your post about an ordinary day. I think we have the same dining room table. Do you tots get food stuck to the backs of your chairs? Do they sometimes feel sticky? Please say I'm not alone.

  14. LOL Cute! SHe looks proud of herself!!

  15. Oh man! Maybe you should go ahead and add a fourth baby...you just can't leave the wallpaper like that...


  16. ha h a- my girls are doing this to the paper in the powder room!

  17. Ha ha ha.....her expression is priceless. Love this!

  18. Ha-ha! Our second did not have a border in her room so we did not have that problem. But our first had a Peter Rabbit border (the old school Peter) that I had to order from England (yep, all the way across the pond!). When she tore it I did not know if I should cry, be angry or just laugh. I had dreamed of a Peter Rabbit nursery for so long but in the end after we sold our house the Peter Rabbit room was no more!


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