Weekend Thoughts: Patience


Last month the topic of our MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) meeting was patience.   As we shared in our discussion groups, one mom shared a verse that she had read which had really helped her control her anger.

James 1:20

"for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." 


When she read the verse every mom around the table sat up.  "Woa, that's a good one, where is it?"  Turns out it is the verse following a more well known verse on patience and controlling our tongues.  "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (keep reading, here's that verse again) for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

Don't you just want to write that on a 3x5 card and stick in on your fridge, and on your dashboard, and perhaps over the potty? (We spend lots of time there these days as we are potty training).

Man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.  God does desire us to live a righteous life.  As a wife and  mother I have a huge influence and impact on 4 very dear people.  

And as a mother of 3 kids 4 and under, I have a lot of opportunities to practice patience.  (as we hustle to the door scrambling to find 6 shoes (hopefully matching) and 3 coats and get everyone buckled in so we can get there on time....or when my oldest two are fighting over who beat who to the door...of when my child is wailing on the floor because *horror of horrors* I took the yogurt lid off and didn't realize that today he/she wanted to do it even though yesterday they wanted me to do it...or when my baby wanted to "help" and emptied her sisters potty seat for me....or when my daughter is literally screaming and standing on her head while I am trying to brush her hair so we can get out the door with it looking somewhat decent....  

While I do need to teach my little ones obedience and kindness, I need to do so without becoming angry.  I need to speak to them with a quiet and calm voice as I sit them down and explain to them their sin and its consequence.  If I yell at them out of anger and frustration, I will not bring about the righteous life that God desires both in myself and in my kids.  Any my heart's greatest desire is to glorify the Lord with my life and raise my children to do the same. 

So this verse is now going up throughout my house, so I can meditate on it and apply it to my life.  James 1:19-20  "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." 


Weekend Thoughts:
My posts typically relate funny anecdotes about the happenings here at the circus  but, I use my last post of the week to highlight something a little more “thoughtful” and significant. If you had a thoughtful post from this last week, or choose to make a new one, please feel free to add a link in the comments section below. I’d love to hear what you are thinking.



  1. Wow, we have the same exact fights that you guys do! Guess we're not as abnormal as we thought. :)

  2. Terrific verse. I may have to get that as a tattoo to always remind me.

    Well if I wasn't terrified of tattoo's and needles.

  3. thanks crystal! i needed this RIGHT NOW as i sit here trying not to kill my dear one who keeps getting out of bed!!!

  4. Yep, this one is meant for me to read too...Madi's tantrums get the best of me some days.


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