Thoughtful Thursday: Going the Extra Mile

My son's Sunday School teacher approached me on Sunday and said that my son has invited her to our house several times and wanted to know if it would be ok if she and her teenage daughter stopped by for a bit on Tuesday. I told her of course and made arrangements to get in touch the next day. I e-mailed her on Monday and told her I didn't want her to feel obligated to come over. I know she works and has a family of her own and I didn't want her to feel pressured. She told me that she wanted to come and she thought it must be important to my son since he has asked her more than once. I can't tell you how this touched my heart as a mother. This woman cares about my son, about his feelings, and values him as an individual so much so that she will go out of her way to show him he is important to her.

My son was thrilled that Miss Nancy was coming over. He painted her and her daughter pictures and asked me to make bows out of yarn. I wasn't sure what he wanted, but he decided that Miss Nancy, her daughter, me, and both of his sisters should all wear bows. He and Daddy shouldn't b/c "boys don't wear bows." At the time I was holding the baby and trying to clean house, I did my best to make a bow with one hand. His response,

"Mom, I wanted a good bow."

I said, "I tried, ask Dad when he gets home."

My son started watching for them to come about 30 min before the arrival time. He eagerly greeted them at the door while Daddy made bows (Daddy does a better job than Mommy at bow making it turns out). He presented Miss Nancy with a yarn bow which she allowed him to scotch tape to her shirt. She oohed and aaahed over it as well as the picture he had painted her. She got down on the floor and sat and talked to him and his sisters. She brought a family picture of hers and showed him her kids and husband and even shared a prayer request for her son. She listed while he showed her cards and toys. She remembered details of things he had told her in SS and asked about them.

"Can you show me the cross you made for Jesus that is by your bed," she asked. (I was touched that he had told her about that... he had made it at Easter time. I was even more touched she remembered and asked about it). She sword fought with him and fell down when he stabbed her. After talking, listening, and playing for a bit, she and her teenage daughter excused themselves.

As my son waved goodbye to them out the window he said to me,

"Mom, I really like Miss Nancy"

"I know you do, bud"


"Because she is nice," I said.

"Yea, and she has a nice smile," he answered.

2 weeks before SS started there were no teachers signed up for my son's class. I prayed that God would provide someone to enthusiastically share God's Word with him. Nancy has done so much more than just shown up Sunday mornings and taught a Bible story. She searches him out in the halls at church and says hello. She noticed when we missed SS and only showed up for church and would search my son out to say Hi to him and bring him his papers or crafts. Time after time she has shown that she truly cares about him. Her visit made a huge impact on me. Seeing someone take a genuine interest in my son truly touched my heart. I am so grateful the Lord has placed her in my son's life. I am glad he has godly role models outside of our home to look up to and to teach him about our Lord. I am thankful that he has had such positive and warm experiences at church that make him look forward to returning.

For my Thoughtful Thursday, I thought I would write to let all the Sundays school teachers out there know that their investment can make a difference. I know Nancy certainly has - in both my son and I. Thanks "Miss Nancy"

Thoughtful Thursday:
My posts typically relate funny anecdotes about the happenings of a stay at home wife and mom with three kids. While my days are seldom “normal” enough to leave me without a “post worthy” moment (i.e. read here), I intend to take some time on Thursdays to highlight something from my week that’s a little more “thoughtful” and significant. If you had a post from this week, or choose to make a specific “Thoughtful Thursday” post, please feel free to add a link to your post in the comments section. I’d love to hear what others are learning. (Oh, and please don’t feel like you have to have a blog or post a link, to leave a comment ;-) )


  1. Crystal,
    What a beautiful story of God using adults to share His love with children and showing His love for adults through the enthusiasm of children. Thank you Lord!

  2. A big thanks to all those Sunday School teachers who give SO MUCH to help our covenant children grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus. Beautiful thoughts.

  3. I am amazed of the impact that visit was. I hesitated volunteering for Sunday School, because we were recovering at home from several family member's health issues over the last 2 years, and wasn't sure if I could commit. But I knew that "right now" things are fairly stable and I needed to move forward and not worry about "what if?" I would deal with the "what" if it actually occurred, when it occurred.
    I went forward at the nudging of my teen daughter, Emily, who helps out in the two year old class and saw these two year olds moving up to the three year old class. She said, "Mom, if no one volunteers, these kids will not have a class. They are so cute, They can't not have a Sunday a School." It would have been easy for someone to say, let one of the parents teach. But I was a mother with many young children several years back, and it was enough effort just to get to church during those times, that I did not want one of those mothers to have to teach because no one else would.
    I volunteered to teach Sunday school willing to go where the need was and that was 3 yr olds. I went in with much trepidation, since it has been a long time (13 yrs) since I have been around a three year old on a regular basis. It came back easily.
    My co-teacher, Miss Jenny was a great help in reminding me what things are good for crowd control with such young children. and some activities they like. She was such a support with the peripherals that I was able to fully engage with the children.
    I truly love each and everyone of those children. Each is so unique and has special qualities that stand out. They have been a blessing to me!
    To anyone considering teaching Sunday School for any age, I say step forward with trust in the Lord. He has placed the thought in your heart and will see you through your commitment. Don't let the "what ifs" keep you from serving the Lord. Those "What If?!" family health issues that almost kept me from teaching have not flared to a crisis. Imagine if I had said, "not yet, things MIGHT happen that I MIGHT have to step down from my commitment" I would not have been blessed by these children. However, I am not encouraging throwing your concerns to the wind or over-committing yourself. Only to step out of your comfort zone.
    When a new child is baptized, we , as members of the church, are asked if we will support this child is his/her spiritual growth. Teaching Sunday School is one way to fulfill that commitment.
    Crystal, Thanks for sharing the impact I have had on your family. It is encouraging to me to know these things, and it is evidence of the Lord working through me. How can I say no to teaching next year?!


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