My Mr. Incredible


Tonight I was out all evening. I met a friend for dinner and then went to a steering meeting for my MOPS group. My wonderful husband stayed home with the kids. He made them waffles for dinner and they had a super hero night. My son received a Super Hero Starter Kit for his birthday which included an instruction book, real cape, eye masks and shield stickers. My son has been wearing his cape for days and my hubby has been teaching him how to be a super hero.

He taught him how to ward off the bad guys in order to protect the girls and I. The training session on Sat was a hoot! Tonight they had a movie night where they wore there eye masks, capes (Daddy had to don a towel) and watched The Incredibles. I instructed them to take pictures since I would be out.

When I got home and looked at the pictures, I couldn't help but think that I am married to Mr Incredible! He works diligently to provide for our family without complaint. When I want an evening out with a friend or have a meeting at church he NEVER complains about coming home early or watching the kids while I am gone. In fact he encourages me to go. He makes me feel so cherished and loved. I have never doubted his adoration for me or our children. The minute he walks in the door he greets all of us with enthusiasm. He truly plays with the kids (I think he was just as excited if not more excited about the toys my son got for his birthday as my son was). He convincingly falls on the floor when injured in battle, cooks dinner in the play kitchen, and sings his very own ballads. He is an INCREDIBLE father to my kids and husband to me! I feel richly blessed.


  1. What a super Dad!! The kids look like they had a terrific time while Mom had a great evening out too! He truly puts effort into his time with his kids also.
    I love your new site!! Keep up the great work.

  2. he is such a great dad. and yes, i believe you are correct in saying he might just be having a better time than the kids! i'm still loving the new site and especially the flower background. i didn't notice it yesterday. i love it all!

  3. Yes, you've got a good one! Reminds me a Super Hero Instructor at my house. And he worked on your blog. My hubby is my biggest fan and I wouldn't have it any other way.


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