Menu Plan Monday- April 21st-April 27th

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I have really enjoyed having people stop by to check out my recipes. I hope you'll stick around awhile and learn more about the circus life here. It has also been a ton of fun for me to find new recipes to throw into the mix by visiting the other postings on Menu Plan Monday.

Here's what's cooking at my place this week!!

Monday: Another MOPS meeting for me which means Daddy and the kiddos are having pancakes again. (pancakes are one of my hubby's specialties)

Tuesday: With spring weather here, we've got to enjoy life outdoors, so we're having grilled hot dogs with a side home fries and baked beans.

Wednesday: We're having some friends over for dinner tonight. I think I will make Mexican Lasagna.

Thursday: Double Peppy Pizza (after watching BOZ, my kids now call pizza Double Peppy pizza when we put any sort of veggie on it)

Friday: I didn't have time to make the chilli last week, so we will give it a try tonight.

Saturday: We have a busy day here with a quick meal between activities. I plan to make up some pepperoni bread so it will be ready when ever. It is one of my husband's favorites and the kids enjoy it as well. You just make the bread dough in the bread machine, then roll it out real thin and sprinkle cheese and pepperoni on it. Roll it up and pinch the sides. Bake for 20 min at 400 degrees. It tastes good warm or cold.

Sunday: Hopefully this week I will remember to get the frozen chicken out of my freezer ahead of time so we can finally have roasted chicken with stuffing and canned peas. I keep forgetting so it gets put off to the next weeks meal.

That's the plan for the week. Often times it gets switched around a bit, but at least it is something to start with.

1 comment:

  1. Freezers can be good things for keeping food til we need it....we just have to remember to get that food out to use it! LOL I have the same problem with remembering to take meat out of the freezer to use for the next day's meals. I used to be in the habit of looking at the menu a couple of days in an advance and pulling out the meat we would need for the next two dinners. However, that habit has fallen along the wayside!

    The pepperoni bread sounds delish! I might have to give that a try. I wonder how like deli ham or turkey would taste rolled up inside rather than pepperoni?!!

    Sounds like a yummy, kid-friendly week at your place! Enjoy your week! :)


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