Be Careful What You Say

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I walked in on my son weighing himself in our bathroom today. He said, "Woah! I gotta slow down, I am eating too fast!" I asked him where he heard that and he said, "Daddy, when he saw a 2 and a 0 on the scale he said, "Woah, I gotta slow down and stop eating so many cookies." (Please note, I got permission from Daddy to post this anecdote.)

Oh course, she wanted to get in on the action as well. I figured I should chronicle this, b/c not many girls actually WANT to get on the scale, then actually allow a camera present and then SMILE during the process... ah, to be young!!

1 comment:

  1. I believe there is a Country song that tells about a dad who hears his words coming out of his sons mouth. <><


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