Book Review: Hand of Fate by Lis Wiehl


_240_360_Book.165.cover When it comes to books and movies, one favorite category of mine is crime drama.  If the back cover mentions CIA, FBI, or any other government agency, you can bet I’d give it a try.  I was quite excited when I had the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Lis Wiehl’s book Hand of Fate and review it on my blog. 

The book centers on 3 friends, (one a crime reporter, one a federal prosecutor, and the other an FBI agent) as they work together to solve the death of radio talk show personality, Jim Fate.  His death prompted panic in the city of Portland, OR, as terrorism was suspected.   This type of book is right up my alley. 

The book was a quick read.  I easily read it in two evenings.  It wasn’t overly captivating, and I must confess I did not find myself staying awake all night to finish it, like I have with some other crime dramas.  Though I will say that I didn’t  expect the ending.  I love when books have a surprise twist at the end and it didn’t disappoint with that.  

To be honest, I’d give it a 4 out of 10.  Not bad for a night or two of entertainment, but not in my top 5 of fiction crime novels either.   The book is her second in her Triple Threat novel series.  After reading this one, I’d be interested in going back and reading the first book.  

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


  1. I like crime drama too! No wonder we get along so well, we have some great things in common!

    Cool to have done your own official review! That's so awesome!

  2. Happy,
    You can too... go to book and register as a blogger!! They send you free books (of your choosing) to read and review!

  3. Sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to check it out.

  4. Oooh, I'm going to have to check booksneeze out.

  5. This book is at best ameturish. It is though I read a number of James Patterson's books and tried to write one myself. She does not research the law (grand juries do not issue search warrants; and FBI agents check their guns when going into a federal courthouse). It was lame. I will not bother reading her again.

  6. This book is at best ameturish. It is as though I read a number of James Patterson's books and tried to write one myself. She does not research the law (grand juries do not issue search warrants; and FBI agents check their guns when going into a federal courthouse). It was lame. I will not bother reading her again.


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