A Weekend of Egg-citement!


This weekend was full of family fun and excitement!  Saturday morning the kids went to the neighborhood egg hunt with both sets of grandparents, while Scott and I went to a wedding reception.


The kids had a blast finding eggs and getting their faces painted.  DSC00559

(some enjoyed the face paint more than others)

That evening (after my son and I got back from a trip to the the after hours clinic where he was diagnosed with pneumonia), we gathered the grands again to dye Easter eggs with us!

Since last year we were in Texas for Easter, this was the first time my youngest got to participate in egg dying.  Can you tell she loved it? IMG_7252

Don’t you love the intensity in his face?  Check out that tongue!


And my oldest daughter really got into it this year as well.  She was quite pleased with her art work.


Then on Sunday, we had everyone together again for an Easter lunch after worshipping together at church.


After lunch, everyone went home and the circus family all took naps.  Naptime was followed by an egg hunt at home with Mom and Dad and time spent playing together in the back yard and enjoying the beautiful weather.


This year I bought a different package of eggs for each kid… my son had baseball eggs, my oldest daughter soccer ball eggs, and my youngest had sparkly eggs.  Each kid was only allowed to gather their own eggs.  This worked wonderfully because I was able to hide my sons eggs in more challenging locations and my youngest in plain sight.  I will def repeat this idea next year.   The kids had so much fun sorting and looking at their loot.  And to their credit, they didn’t eat any of it until after dinner when they were allowed 2 eggs each.         IMG_7338

Visit here or here for more Wednesday picture fun!


  1. I love the egg hiding idea! And I love that your little girl had Spiderman face painting! Awesome! Caroline was just wearing Noah's Spiderman costume today! Sounds like you had a delightful Easter weekend (with exception of pneumonia...hope the little guy is better soon!).

  2. Oh they look like they are having so much fun!! I just love all the fun egg stuff to do at Easter time. And what cool face painting they had done. :)

  3. Great easter activity shots! The Spiderman faces.....too cute.

  4. Sounds like you had a great Easter!

  5. What a great Easter. Looks like everyone really enjoyed it.

  6. I absolutely love the tongue out in concentration!

  7. Looks like you guys had a blast. And, only one of my kids will submit to having the face paint thing done. The other two or so not down with that!

  8. What a good Idea with the eggs! I will have to use it.

  9. What great Easter memories! It's cool in that last pic how much the girls look like each other from the side shot! They're really growing up - all three of them!

  10. It looks like they all had a great time!!! What a fun day!

  11. That is SOME face painting!! The pic of your youngest with the egg makes me smile all the way to my toes. :)

  12. aww How FUN!!
    Everyone is Adorable!

  13. Great idea with the different eggs for each child. Not fighting, can't go wrong with that!

  14. What a fun way to celbrate Easter. Looks like you all had a blast.

  15. The children's faces are just precious! Great job on the pictures.

  16. Ahh, how sweet! Loved the one of the face paint, lol.

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful easter. i love the idea of different style eggs for each child to find. I just might have to do that next year.

  18. Looks like everyone had a great time!!

  19. Oh my goodness. Your easter looks like it was so much fun! I love your idea about the different kinds of eggs. That is SO smart : )

  20. Glad you had a wonderful family time. I love your photos!


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