Earth Day Give Away!


In the interest of keeping it real, I’m going to tell you that I have not really been much for the whole green fad that has swept my generation.  While we do recycle, that’s about the extent of it.  Then a few years ago my pastor gave a sermon during a series on stewardship that hit home for me.  He talked about the fact that while God did make the world for us to enjoy and inhabit, it didn’t mean he made it for us to squander and trash.  He talked about stewardship in terms of taking care of God’s creation.  I realized that I had been treating this would with a sense of entitlement and with little care to how I effected the environment or creation. 

Recently, I read the book Green Mama… the guilt free Guide to Helping you and your Kids save the planet by Tracey Bianchi. 

I really like this book b/c it is real and down to earth.  Tracey isn’t preachy and doesn’t make you feel like scum if you aren’t using cloth diapers or organic sheets.  She’s a mom of 3 living in a Chicago suburb who is passionate about taking care of God’s creation and shares that passion in a very practical, applicable way. 

She comes across as a real mom, one I’d meet on the playground or sit next to at a MOPS meeting.  She does not carry an air of superiority that is so often a real turn off to me.  I like real people.  I don’t like people who portray perfection and make you feel like scum if you don’t do everything the way they do it.

In the beginning of the book Tracey shares her reasons for “going green.”  She gives an analogy of our role in taking care of creation, that I thought was so perfect.  She says:

“The weight of saving the world does not rely solely upon us.  God can save the planet himself.  Actually, he already has, which is tough for me to swallow because I like to think God needs me.  Ultimately, God is interested in your heart and movement towards wise living and responsible stewardship, not how many gallons of water you saved this month.   He created this world and then invited us to partner with him in caring for it.  He wants us involved in the process just like I want my children involved in projects I design for them.  Of course I can make the chocolate-chip cookies myself (and honestly it would be much so much easier that way),” … “We learn magnificent truths about our Creator when we care for God’s creation.  This is what God wants for your family when it comes to taking care of the earth.”

I thought this was such a beautiful picture of our role as Christians in taking care of creation. 

At the end of each chapter Tracey encourages you to reflect on one thing you’d like to apply and one you’d like to throw out.  She also encourages you in the book to find one big thing to focus on, rather than trying to change your whole world at once.  I like this because it is practical and doable.    Overall, that’s how I’d describe her book.  If you’re like me, and you know you haven’t been living as “green” as you should or like, I think this provides a wonderful introduction.  I also really appreciate the time she spends discussing the motivation for going green. 

The circus hasn’t completely changed everything… in fact, I am still slowly digesting things.  But, I can feel God tugging on my heart.  I love the beauty of His creation.  I love spending time in it.  I want to be a part of taking care of it and I want to raise my children with attitudes of service rather than entitlement. 

We live near the Chesapeake Bay.  Each summer our family spends countless hours swimming, fishing, and boating in it.  Sadly, bacteria levels in our bay get so bad that it is monitored weekly and some days we aren’t allowed in it.  I’d like to find some projects that we can work on as a family to help the bay.   As I teach my kids to enjoy this resource God has given us, I also want to teach them to take care of that resource.

I think I am also going to look into switching to reusable bags.  Tracey said that each year the typical American family uses roughly 1000 plastic bags a year. 

Tracey has numerous other ideas and information, some of which I am going to try to apply, some of which I will probably “throw out” as she suggests.   

I contacted Tracey and she gave me a copy of the book to read and review for myself.  She in no way compensated me for my review of the book.  These are my thoughts and reactions to her book.  She also generously gave me 4 copies of the book to give away to my readers!!  I am so excited to share this with you.  I think you will be challenged, encouraged, and inspired. 

I will randomly choose 4 winners on Monday, April 26th for the books.  Please leave a comment below to be chosen.  You can receive extra entries if you tweet or face book this post (and leave an extra comment to tell me you did so) or if you sign up in my reader  or follow me on google friend connect (again leave me a comment telling me you did so).


  1. thanks for sharing about this book - it sounds really interesting :o)

  2. OH I am super excited about the give away! I have been wanting to read that book!

  3. and the friend connect (though I logged out to keep a consistency of the naming in the comments) Pick me! :-)

  4. sounds like a good read!

  5. how can i say no to a giveaway? you are going to be joining the big blogger leagues?

  6. A balanced, down to earth approach to the green issues. Sounds like a good book.
    On another note, I found a really great reusable bag at Tractor Supply Co. They are much deeper than others and can hold a lot more. I like it so much I think I might get a few more.

  7. shared your link on facebook :O)

  8. I have struggled to understand what I believe about the "Going Green Movement", and how God would want me to respond to it. I'd love to read this book. I think it would really help me figure it all out. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. cool! I would love to give it a read too. I dont mind waiting in line!!

  10. This book sounds really interesting, and is definitely a subject I'd like to read more on. Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Happy Earth Day! Just came in from working in the yard and taking out my recyclables (grass, branches, cans, botttles) not all from my yard of course. I've actually thought of purchasing a book like this and I promise if you pick me I will recycle it by passing it on to another interested reader after I am done :)

  12. You are one step ahead of me by recycling! So I think that shows how much I obviously need to read this book!

  13. I follow you already, does that get me a second chance?

    You can TOTALLY do reusable bags. In fact, once you start, you'll like them better. They hold more, don't cut into your arms when you try to carry 50 of them (which you won't need b/c they hold more), and store easily in your van-o-stuff! Just stuff them all into one bag and take it into the store with you.

    Pick me!!!

  14. Add me to the list. And, I would be happy to share some cloth diapers with the littlest circus member when mine is potty-trained (soon) and yours is over 16 pounds. You can try it on and see if you want to invest in more. Don't know why I waited until my fifth to try it.

  15. I would love to read this book. I have always tried to be "greener", but I think I need more motivation. I'm sure this book would help.

    P.S. I found you through Short Stop-I have been following you for awhile now, but I just have never commented until today! I love your blog.

  16. Happy Earth Day!! Thanks for the review you shared of this book. I like her idea of starting with 1 or 2 steps and make it work. I really need to use reusable bags and do away with the 10,000 in my laundry room waiting to be recycled. I also have gone with reusable water bottles!!

  17. Crystal, you wrote what I could have said. Thanks for sharing and being honest! And thanks for this opportunity to win! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to read this book and pass it on to others; it sounds like just the right mix. Creation care without going overboard (I once read a blog about making your own reusable toilet paper. Yes, I said reusable!).

    Pretty please, with a cherry on top, pick me!! :)

  18. And I just added you to Google Reader! My first ever! Whahoo for me (and you!)!

  19. Sounds like a good book! We are trying to be more green at our household so I would love to learn more about it. So far we are recycling and using reusable grocery bags.

  20. I think I am where you were when it came to going green. I love how she writes! I would be totally interested in your giveaway!

  21. This would be fun to win. I don't do so well in the "going green" department. I could use a few EASY tips. Thanks!

  22. You know I follow you... ;o)

  23. Well said and well read. If I don't win please put me on your lending library list.

  24. If the give away isn't closed yet, I'd definitely be interested. I'm always looking for small ways to do a little more. Thanks for sharing this book.

  25. hi! from one novice tree hugger to another :-) thanks for sharing your thoughts--i'd love to read the book!

  26. I hope I'm not too late. Sounds right up our alley! Thanks for doing this!

  27. I'd like to throw my hat in the ring too!
    I'd love to eventually start a compost pile and maybe this book will give me the proper motivation.

  28. Entry #2!!!! Just shared this link on my FB wall!


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