Celebrating the Beginning of the Circus


10 years ago we came…spread a blanket out on the sandy shore to watch the sunset. 

Today we came, with sandwiches and Doritos.  This time there was a picnic table where we had spread our blanket.  And we watched the sunset mirrored in the faces of our three children.


10 years ago it was quiet… we held hands and sat close on the blanket.

Tonight there was sand in our shoes and children squirming….

10 years ago we sat up all  night and talked and dreamed of our future together.

Tonight we held our future in our arms (and my belly). 


1o years ago we spent the day in Washington D.C., then topped it off by watching the sunset at our park.  Scott got down on one knee and declared his love for me before asking me to be his wife. 

And tonight we celebrated that anniversary with a picnic dinner at sunset.


Thank you Scott for asking me to be your wife 10 years ago today and thanks for making all my dreams come true.  I truly, truly love being married to you!

Read more about that special night 10 years ago, by clicking here.


  1. aw, gave me goosebumps - "tonight, we held our future in our arms" . . . so sweet!

  2. Such a sweet post...and a wonderful reason to celebrate.

  3. Congratulations! So glad you celebrated and took some time to blog about the past!

  4. congratulations! God is so good!

  5. How sweet!!! Happy 10th Anniversary!

  6. love this post! Such special memories!

  7. Can it really be 10 years already?!?!?!
    How very special that you keep that little spot "your beach"
    Great family picture. Glad you were able to celebrate.

  8. What a great way to spend your anniversary!! We love celebrating with our children too!!!

    Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs!

  9. How incredibly special to celebrate that amazing event with your whole family!

  10. I love this. Your family is the best. And it all began with the two of year at your park ten years ago. This post gave me goosebumps at the part about seeing your future in the faces of your children. Love it! Love the story of how the Circus came to be!


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