My Smiling Soccer Star


This weekend my daughter had her second soccer game and I am happy to report it went MUCH better than her first.  No tears or pouting and lots of smiles and cute waves to Mom and Dad on the sidelines.  She enthusiastically went after the ball and always cheerfully raised her hand to kick off or make the corner kick when they asked for volunteers.   Like I said, a drastic improvement over game one


What a joy it was to watch her smiling face as she ran after the ball on Sunday. IMG_7413

I think it is kinda funny to watch the kids in the background of this shot.  I cropped them out for the above picture so you could see her action shot without distraction.  But, I can’t help but show you the bigger picture as well, b/c it makes me chuckle. IMG_7413 The kid from the yellow team looks totally dejected as she runs past with the ball (that’s my girl) and I love how her team mate appears to be summoning his super powers to propel her up the field.

More picture fun can be found here or here.

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  1. Awesome! So glad the game went well and she got into it and had fun!

  2. I miss Soccer Season. Great photos!

  3. Oh my at this age is such a hoot! They look like bees chasing a beehive.

  4. She looks so proud and happy...what great memories these shots will be!!

  5. Wow she had a Blast!!
    She is Precious!
    Happy WW!!

  6. She looks like she is having a great time!!

  7. She is adorable! She reminds me of that cute little girl on Hope Floats. I can just imagine her saying, "Mom, is this where you were queen of corn?" hehe. Thanks for the prayers. It means a lot to me.

  8. For the joy of the game.
    You Go Girl!!!
    Love the joy and attitude.

  9. Looks like they are enjoying themselves, you must be so proud!! And your summoning super powers comment made me laugh!

  10. I love the pictures. Your daughter looks really cute, and that little boy in yellow really tells his story by his stance!

  11. Love her huge smile. Soccer is such a great game for girls. My daughter played from kindergarten all through high school.

  12. That's right... show those boys who's boss! : )

  13. Looks like she had a lot of fun. That is a great sport to get into.

    Thanks for sharing. Happy WW :)

  14. Hey! What's that green stuff all over the ground?? :)

    Bob (from New Mexico)

  15. I'm so glad it went better. Sometimes our expectations are so high that we become very disappointed. And I LOVE the action shot with all the kids. It's AWESOME!

  16. Yes, you can tell she is so enjoying herself!! Good job!!

  17. oh what awesome photos to have...she looks so thrilled!

    Happy WW!

  18. I never saw anyone enter 2 before :) That is funny!

    She is a soccer super star!

  19. So glad she came around! And she looks like a natural out there!

  20. Very nice captures of this fun competition.

  21. Now that is our little soccer girl!!! :-) Looking forward to seeing her play soon.


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