Kegs at Church?!


Last week my son was reading a list of words in one of his readers.  One of the words was “keg.”  He asked what a keg was.   I was trying to figure out the best way to describe it and so I said it was like a a big container with a spout that you could get a drink from. 

“Oh,” he said with a look of recognition.  “I know what your talking about, like what we get lemonade from at church.”   That’s what I get for trying to be vague instead of just going out and saying it was for beer.

Whoever put the word keg in a kindergartner reader is the one I will hold responsible when my child shows up at church asking for a keg. 

For more innocent childhood blunders, visit Tiny Talk Tuesday.


  1. I just love him!!! He makes me laugh :-) Lemonade - in a keg - at church - who would have thought!!!

  2. So if they have a church gathering where there are several of those can we call it a "keger?"

  3. I know what you mean. Sometimes I kick myself later for not just being blunt to begin with.

  4. Um, yeah...whose idea was THAT?!?

    Well played though!

  5. I am forming a list of words to avoid in K readers. The top one in our house right now is ditch. Innocent enough, unless you have children like mine who reverse the d and b until about halfway through 1st grade!

  6. That was SO much like trying to figure out how to explain a gun! That's awesome! I would LOVE to see your son at church asking for the keg of lemonade!

  7. I think maybe more people would come to church if we spread the rumor that there were kegs at church :)

  8. LOL! Love that one.

    The comments made about your belly in the other post made me laugh too. I can SO relate :)


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