Sign of the Season


You know warm days are once again upon us, when you stumble across your bathroom sink looking like this.


Probably had something to do with the hours my kids spent digging in the dirt in our backyard this afternoon.

IMG_7426 While they didn’t quite make it to China, they were thrilled to dig down to clay. 

IMG_7425 I love spring… even with the rings round my tub and the dirt deposits left in my sinks.


  1. We had some friends over today they were quite smeared and sandy by bath time.

  2. I love those signs of springtime too. We went golfing today in our community. It was fun to see our 2 year old trying to putt and hit. Your kids look like they are having so much fun.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today. I love visitors and comments. Stop by again anytime :)


  3. Looks like they are having a blast! I still get a little freaked out about her playing with dirt, but I am working on it!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. There's nothing more fun for little kids than a big pile of dirt! It's my worst nightmare as a mom, but that's my hang-up not his, lol.

  5. Love it! You need to turn your crew loose in the garden plot and let them turn the soil for you! :)
    I secretly like when the sink (or floor or walls) get so covered in visible dirt, it makes it so much more fulfilling to clean them! :)

  6. I'm excited to get my sink dirty! Love the pictures on your blog! And your cute little soccer star and the birthday boy! Thanks for inviting me.

  7. They look like they are having a blast. Fortunatley, dirt washes away. Reminds me of when your brother was little and LOVED to dig!!

  8. I so do not mind the dirty sink, so that they can get out and play. :D

  9. That looks just like my laundry room sink!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your suggestions for our Thursday Children's Book Review. New readers are so fun - it's like they realize that a whole new world has opened to them when they figure out how to read!

  10. I love the signs of good weather - even when it means more cleaning for me. everyone is so much happier when they get to be outside getting dirty. I also love the smell of summer on the kids.

  11. This makes me wish our kids had more of a yard to play in. We go to the farm for all our digging needs and get their sinks dirty, though! Now that I think about it...maybe that's not so bad! Lol!

  12. Ugh!! I'm with you on the sink! And also, my hand towels are covered in mud! But it sure doesn't stop me from letting them play outside. Yesterday Micah took off his socks at the end of the day, and the there was a ring around his ankle marking the line. Above the line was dirt, scabs, blood and scratches. Below the line were bright white, clean feet. I wish they really were clean, I mean they really did look clean! But the stench was unbelievably pungent....

  13. Love it! A little dirt never hurt anyone....

  14. Ah yes, the dirt ring. lol. Always a sign that some one had fun that day!


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