A Letter to My Baby


Dear Sweet Baby of Mine,

Every time I sit down or lay down I can feel you move around inside of me.  You are more active than any of your sisters or brother were in the womb.  Perhaps you are trying to tell us already that you are eager to jump in and join in the chaos and fun that is our family.    The feeling of you turning over or kicking and punching my sides…it’s almost as if you are saying, “Hey Mom!  I’m here!”  Since I am fairly certain you are the last baby I will carry in my womb, I treasure each of these movements.  I wonder if I will miss feeling you inside of me, once you are here.

I want you to know dear one that while none of us have yet laid eyes on you, nor held you in our arms, you are already deeply and profoundly loved and cherished and a very real part of our family.IMG_7385

Your oldest sister is always quick to point out that we have 4 kids in our family and if ever I have to leave your brother or sisters behind to go somewhere, she will chime in, “But not the baby… you take the baby with you!”  She loves to put her hand on my belly and feel you move inside of me.  Her whole face lights up when you wiggle or kick and she tells me she felt it.  Just the other day she laid beside me in bed and felt you punch 5 times.  Perhaps you were slapping her five!

Your next sister loves to lift up my shirt and talk to you through my belly button.   Sometimes she will serenade you with her repertoire of songs.

Your brother too is very eager to meet you.  He is so curious to know if you will be his first brother or another sister for him to care for.  He has already told me that either way he will love you and help take care of you.  He is always brainstorming potential names for you as well.  And he prays for you and thanks God for you, the baby in Momma’s belly.  He’s been wanting you for a long time…long before God had even knit you together inside me, he was asking for a new baby to join our family.

We have about 2 months to go before you will be ready to enter the world.   I look forward to meeting you, to holding you in my arms and smelling your sweet newborn scent.  I also can’t wait to introduce you to your adoring sisters and protective big brother, to watch them take care of you and smother you with their love and affection.  I am eager to see how you fall into place with them.  I can’t wait to see you sitting around the dinner table, chasing after them in the back yard and to hear your sweet voice call my name.

Until the time is right, I will savor this precious time while I have you to myself.  The time when we are connected in such a profound and mysterious way.  The only time when you truly never leave my side and I know your every coming and going.   I will marvel at God’s goodness to us in blessing our lives, our family with you.  And I pray, dear sweet one, that as you grow you will always know how deeply loved you are, by Daddy and myself, by your brother and sisters, and most importantly by our heavenly Father.    May you seek Him with all your heart and mind, all the days of your life.

Love, Mommy


  1. You've made me miss the feeling of my own little ones in the womb! It is such a time to treasure, especially when you know it may be the last time.

    What a sweet letter to the next Circus member. You should totally print it out and put it in his/her baby book. I nearly teared up when I read it. Can't wait to see all he or she adds to your family! You guys are the greatest...he or she is very blessed already!

  2. What a sweet, treasured letter to your new little treasure! When I was carrying Seth at the time, I didn't know he would be the "last in my womb." I wish I had grasped that reality at the time . . .

    I love to read about your sweet family and I know that your new baby is going to only add to the excitement and fun and love that you already have in abundance! Blessings!

  3. what a beautiful letter, Crystal. you captured this time like I've never heard before. I can't wait to meet the little one, too. Eli needs another cousin!

  4. Truly beautiful words that this child can treasure always. Such profound love! Can't wait :-)

  5. What a beautiful letter your baby will always treasure!

  6. Such precious memories that you will always treasure! You definitely will miss it, it was bittersweet for me Alex was born. But having that new baby to snuggle makes up for it!

  7. There are tears in my eyes.

  8. tears, tears, and more tears!!! perhaps because i know all too well every emotion and physical feeling you are experiencing and at exactly the same time too! it's so cool!

  9. I think I have a new, all-time favorite Circus post...what a lovely letter and photo : )

  10. What a blessed little baby (boy. cough. cough.). You are a good mommy Crystal.

  11. That was absolutely beautiful!!!!

  12. CUUUUUUTE belly! Thanks for the MOPS tips, too! ;0)


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