How Far We’ve Come


Today I’d like to give a shout out to my maternal grandmother, whom I have lovingly called, “Mema” for as long as I can remember.  I have this vivid picture in my mind of me in high school showing her and my Pap how to work our computer.  I recall her being completely baffled by it and saying something to the effect of, “You’ll never catch me on that thing!” 

I remembered there being a picture of the event and when my parents were visiting last week I asked my mom if she knew where it was. 


Funny how my memory of the event didn’t include my ginormously puffy bangs… hello early nineties…

The thing is Mema was wrong… completely wrong.  Not only have I caught her on that thing… but she owns her own (and a laptop too).  And not only does she own her own laptop but she e-mails her grandchildren on it, she faithfully checks and comments on my blog, and she even has her own face book account. 

I love the fact that she didn’t let technology overwhelm her or pass her by.  I love the fact that despite the fact that she doesn’t always understand it all, it doesn’t stop her from trying.  I love the fact that she makes an effort to keep in touch with her children, grand children, and great grand children by hopping on board with the technology of our generation.  I love that even though we don’t get to see her face to face as often as I would like, she can still keep up with the happenings of my family.  And I love that she scans her old pictures and shares them with us.  I am so thankful for the computer and how it enables me to stay in contact with out of town family.  I am even more thankful for my grandma who has taken the time to learn how to use it and to stay involved in our lives.  I hope when I am her age, I will be as forward thinking and open minded as she is.

For more flashback fun, visit Alicia’s blog


  1. My grandmother is the same way! And my bangs were almost identical to yours!!

  2. That's one cool great-grandma (to your kids!)

  3. too funny! Lovin the bangs!!! :)

  4. That is awesome!! Way to go, grandma!!! Love that!

    LOL, I had to show my mom how to turn on her laptop!

  5. You know ever day I thank God I CAN KEEP IN TOUCH WITH MY FAMILIES You showed me another world. Thank you

  6. This is such a funny picture...I'd love to see this contrasted with a picture of today, when everyone would have their own laptop out! LOL!

  7. Your hairstyle reminded me of "Saved by the Bell". I was watching the rerun of that teenybopper tv series the other night. Cute :)

  8. love it!! -- (a dream come true - to be described like saved by the bell!! :-)


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