Weekend Thoughts: Discipline


When the summer began I had big goals and plans for myself.  I signed up for the Annapolis 10 Mile Run again this year, this time running with several of my high school friends.  I had high hopes of running 3 or 4 times a week all summer.  I had already envisioned how great my new, sleek running body would look come the end of August.  I also enrolled in a Bible Study at a nearby church that was a hosting a Beth Moore study on the book of Esther.  I was so excited to get into the word on a daily basis.  

Here it is August 14th and I have run literally a handful of times and I made it to about 3 of the Esther studies.  The study is now over and I sit with a 3/4 empty workbook.  The race is in 15 days and the longest I’ve run is 6 miles, and I even took a break to walk.

One thing this summer has definitely lacked is discipline.  We’ve had some great fun going fishing, swimming, cook outs, trips downtown… and I’ve loved every minute of it.

But, I’ve also developed some bad habits.  Staying up late is one…sleeping in the next morning is the other.  Each week I tell myself, that next week I gotta start getting up early so I can have a quiet time and run before the kids wake up.  And each week I find myself staying up late watching tv or commenting on blogs till midnight or beyond. 

Our school years stars on Sept 14th with our tutorial.  I plan to officially start school here at the circus the week after Labor Day. But,  I’ve got three weeks in the middle to get myself on track. 

I really feel that mornings at the circus would be less circus like if I was up, had some me time, and showered before my kids woke up.  Then instead of struggling to wake up myself, I could greet them with the energy and attention they crave in the morning.  Since the crew likes to wake up at 7 (or earlier), I need to make a conscious effort to be up by 6.   

I once heard or read somewhere that as moms we need to be the thermostats for the house.  We need to set the tone and environment for everyone else rather than simply reacting to the chaos.   I try to keep that mental image in mind as the chaos invokes around me.  I don’t think getting up at 6 is going to rid my life of chaos, but I do think it could help to set a better tone in the mornings. 

So, this week, I’m going to try again.  I’m going to run in the remaining 15 days I have till race day and I’m going to work through my Bible study workbook on my own.  I am confident that God still has much to teach me through the study of His word.  And while I know I won’t be as fit on race day as I could have been, I figure better late than not at all in the training department.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (New International Version)

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
       for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
       great is your faithfulness.

Weekend Thought Button

What are you thinking about this week? Why not use your last post of the week to highlight something a bit "deeper" then the average Momblog fair?  I’d love to read your thoughts.  Please feel free to write and link up a  “thoughtful” post below.  You can write a new post or link up one you wrote earlier in the week.

**I’m going camping this weekend, so I won’t be able to read and comment on your thoughts till Sunday evening… I do look forward to reading them when I return though, so please link up below!**


  1. I am struggling with the same thing. It is so hard for me to be disciplined. I tend to stay up too late. My kids wake up just after 6, so I just can't seem to get up before they do. But what you said about moms being the thermostat of the house really spoke to me. Already this week I have been trying to work on this, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one!

  2. Those are both admirable goals! I too have been lacking some discipline, ans need to buckle down in order to handle everything that has been going on around here! LOL!

  3. I've been thinking the same thing about getting up early and getting dressed/quiet time before the kids wake up. Thanks for sharing and for the encouragement - Monday here we come!

  4. Hope you were up today - thinking of you and praying for a good start!!

  5. You are getting into the thick of it now- I remember coming to these realizations, and being so disappointed with myself when I would fail AGAIN. I can honestly say that the last 3 years have been the best of my life since I have started daily devotions in the MORNING- before kids are up. I also love to stay up late, and still do, but am getting better about going to bed a little earlier. You will never regret spending that time with your Father- start now!! I wish I would have started when I was younger than 30!!

    I also am getting the kids to do their devos in the morning- the readers read a chapter from the Bible or do one of the Bible studies I find, and the youngers look at their picture Bibles quietly for 5 minutes. A goal of mine is to have the kids have their Bibles out, and I will have mine on the table all day- opened, so we can talk about stuff at various times. It is getting a little more natural as they get older. But you are right, it is about discipline AND grace, and it is amazing the JOY that it brings when we are close to Him!

    Sorry to write a book! I just wanted to encourage you as you begin this new stage of life- :)


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