Pictures Can’t Do the Day Justice


IMG_1513During our recent visit to El Paso, we survived the desert trek to reach Carlsbad Caverns ( number 23 of the 47 U.S. National Parks we plan to visit in our life together). 

It was a perfect day alone with the man of my dreams exploring and enjoying God’s creation. 

We spent 5 hours exploring the caves 800 feet below the earth’s surface.

Pictures truly can’t do it justice, but I’ll try.




Can you guess what this rock formation was called? Look closely.

The Cave Man

After spending the afternoon in the caverns below, we came up for dinner and then sunset with the bats.

Yes, you read that correctly.  At dusk 400,000 (no that isn’t a typo, I meant to put all of those zeros there) bats fly out of the caves each night to feast on insects.   It was amazing (and no I am not some crazy bat loving girl of the night).  As we waited for the bats to fly out of the cave, I was totally grossed and freaked out, yet I knew it was something I didn’t want to miss.  We sat and watched in hushed silence for over an hour as the bats continually flew out of the cave like a river flowing off into the desert.

This picture of the bat flight was purchased at the park as they won't let anyone take photos during the bat flight

Afterwards, we enjoyed a starry ride home in the barren desert.

milky way

It was one of the best days I’ve spent with my husband in a long, long time. 

For more Wednesday pics, try here or here.


  1. I was all in awe up until you mentioned the bats...I cannot do the bat cave at the just totally creeps me out. However, I think I get what you're saying about how you would be totally grossed out but yet not able to not watch...because it would be really cool in a creep sort of cool way.

    The pictures were awesome and I think it's awesome that you and Scott had such a great day together. You certainly deserve it!

  2. those photos are amazing- I don't know if I could do that though!

  3. I need to see this in person but those pictures are remarkable! I really want to see this place.

  4. great fun! we just came back from there on our vacation! there are pics on my blog if you want to check them out (under vacations)!

    my ww:

  5. Amazing pictures! I have never been but would love to see them someday. My kids would probably freak, so it might just have to wait a few years!

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. THat is so awesome!!!!!!!! Looks just like my Planet Earth DVD's!!

  7. So, I've got to know what the rock formation is called! Matt and I have our guess but you've got to tell us!

    Love ya!! So super duper awesome!

  8. Wow! What an amazing place and what an amazing day.... so fab to read about you and your Dh spending special time together, as a mother of three it is really inspiring!
    Happy WW

  9. What an amasing trip and the photographs are absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing them. Happy WW!

  10. I LOVE the starry night pic! Breathtaking! Happy WW :)

  11. That is amazing. I know they probably don't do it justice, but your pictures are beautiful!!!! So, what is the name of the cave? I am terrible at guessing...LOL!

  12. That looked amazing! I would love to go spelunking one day. Happy WW!

  13. i've seen the pictures already, but i'm still amazed at how postcard-like they are. Scott, you really have an eye for photography!

    i'm glad you got to enjoy a date-day together. nothing like still loving to hang out with the guy you married, eh?

  14. I went there as a child and we too watched the mass exodus of the bats. It was amazing! I am such a huge fan of visiting national parks. I LOVE your mission to hit them all! :)

  15. i don't know if i could have gone 800 feet below the surface of the earth. but it looks amazing, so maybe it wasn't as claustrophobic as i imagine.
    and i completely understand the bat thing. yech, but gotta see all the same. i would have made sure that i had a hat and a blanket to cover me. if you didn't, you are my hero!

  16. wow! absolutely breathtaking! so, were we supposed to guess the pic on top or bottom? i don't want to say what the one on top looks like. ehem! but the one on the bottom looks like chewbacca(sp?) from star wars to me. and new mexico can keep the bats, thank you! the two we chased out of our house are enough for me!

  17. hee-hee... no, I meant the bottom pic, not the top!!
    Chewbacca is a very good guess...think "so easy even a Geico spokesman can do it!"

  18. What amazing pics! What an amazing time! Happy WW!

  19. Love the pictures!
    I used to love to explore caves. They're beautiful!

  20. Oh wow! Those are some great photos. I think I just might keep my guess to myself lol!
    Happy WW!

  21. What gorgeous pictures!! I can see how pictures wouldn't do that place justice.

  22. Wow, I can imagine how it must have felt sitting there in the dark, watching those amazing mammals. Sounds like you and your hubby have many more fun adventures ahead of you.

  23. We explored Jewel cave in South Dakota while on vacation. It was incredible. Doesn't it feel like you are on another planet while down there?

    Your pictures turned out great!

  24. It looks absolutely amazing! I can't imagine seeing all those bats. I hope trip #24 is just as wonderful!

  25. Gorgeous, gorgeous! Great pics--thanks for 'taking' us along!


  26. Hey those are some incredible pictures but if you say real life is better I believe you...I need to get out more!

  27. Oh wow!! The bats would have been pretty freaky but it looks worth it! That is breathtaking!

  28. What an amazing place. The photo of the bats flying makes me think of the smoke monster on Lost!

    I have no guess, seriously clueless...are you going to tell us the answer?

  29. For all inquiring minds, the rock formation is entitled Caveman.
    Can you see it?

  30. Incredible. Does this mean you are officially a speunker? :)


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