
I was enchanted by my youngest on Saturday as she played with her dolls.   She played quietly and contently for at least an hour.  I could have done so much with that time and yet I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.  She barely noticed my presence as she sat and arranged her dolls, poured their imaginary tea, and made sure everyone got a sip. Then repeated the endearing process over and over.  My son was busy helping his dad and my other daughter was still napping and while there were dirty dishes and piles of laundry and many other things loudly calling my name inside, I shut the door and sat outside and simply watched her play.  OK, and I also snapped a few, fifty, pictures of the event.  But, I was in a word… spell bound.  By both her g”rown upness”and her “cute little girlness” all the same time.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

setting up

pouring the tea

feeding baby dolls


helping Roo sip his tea

tea party

Click here for Wordful and here for Wordless fun with pictures!


  1. She is the cutesy ever. Ever so tender. Precious

  2. How sweet! I spend my best time just watching my children play. I can get lost just watching them, doing nothing else, but watching. Your time was well spent!

  3. i'm so glad you took the time to just watch her play. she looks so content playing away. so sweet.

  4. I love little girls! I just love 'em. So glad you captured this ephemeral moment in her little life...

  5. Oh how so precious!! You were very wise to stop and enjoy these special moments! She has learned well from her mommy how to care for her little ones!!! :-)

  6. She is so sweet! How special to just sit and watch her play :)

  7. She is certainly growing up quickly!

  8. I can see how you were spellbound. What a little big girl she is indeed! You can see so much of her tender heart through these pictures in the way she treats her "guests." And oh my goodness, the cuteness factor is off the charts. I mean, really, cutest little girl ever. Oh my. What those blue eyes could get away with! It must be terribly hard not to just indulge her all the time! Great pictures and perfect blog post!

  9. That is soo sweet! Alice always wants me to play with her... I don't get to watch.

  10. Homegrownstrawberries, I think that is the difference between the first born and the third. My oldest never would have played so quietly on his own. My girls do it all the time.

  11. precious and priceless! love it! Happy WW!

  12. These photos are just darling--what a precious treasure trove of memory! And you're so right, it is just amazing to watch their personalities and girliness show up!


  13. What a cutie! She's making sure everyone is taken care of!! Great pictures! Happy WW!

  14. she is such a doll can't wait til my little princess is up playing like that I love to watch as their little imaginations change the world

  15. awe!!! that is so cute! great post~!

  16. my little one plays well like that too - I love it!

  17. Awww!! My daughter is doing the same things (she just turned 2 on July 12), and I have been slacking on housework because I've just been wanting to watch her all the time lately!

  18. Oh. My. Goodness!!! Just look at your adorable princess! So sweet!


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