Number One Rule of Camping


**Updated Below!

Once we finally departed, the kids were ecstatic about our camping trip this weekend.  As we were preparing to leave, my son already started talking about the very, important rules of camping, as he’s discovered them over the years.

And the number one,  most exciting rule is that camping is messy!

This one cracked me up, because while it is true, to hear him talk you would think he grew up in a house where he was never allowed to get dirty.  You’d think his mom washed his face after every meal and dressed them in their Sunday finest before departing out the front door every morning.  Yet, this child was raised at the circus, where bare feet and messy faces are the norm.

To prove my point, I submit to you the following photos and ask you to tell me which was taken while camping.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Exhibit C:


A good, messy time was had by all this weekend and I look forward to sharing some highlights with you this week, including a delicious campfire dessert recipe that you must try!!

I enjoyed reading your responses…and for those interested parties, here’ the scoop…

Exhibit A:  taken in downtown Annapolis on a ice cream run

Exhibit B:  taken in our backyard sand box

Exhibit C: taken on our camping trip after eating Smores

(as was this little gem)



  1. Let me guess A & C taken while camping! Looks like so much fun! I can't wait to hear more about adventures in camping with kids. :-)

  2. I vote that none were actually camping. :-) my kids look like that all the time!

  3. A and C look good to me too, but B could very well be a camping picture...there is mud involved. Looks like dirty good fun!

  4. my vote is c! i can't wait to hear about your time!

  5. I also vote that none of these pictures were from camping mainly because if you haven't unpacked yet I doubt you've uploaded all the pictures yet!? They're all a beautiful mess.

  6. Ah Shelby... the computer and the camera are always the first things out of the car... pics were uploaded right after the kids were put to bed!!

  7. I say "A" was taken while camping!! Especially because you gave us a hint!!!!! The "delicious campfire dessert" that we must try???? See!!! I'm right, aren't I??

  8. Haha! I had thought exactly that after I posted my comment! Because I know that after I've been away the first thing I do once reaching home is get on the computer! lol

  9. Crystal, did you hear about the new documentary on PBS that is supposed to be out this fall? It is all about our National Parks.
    Oh, and the kids look very happy while messy... I read somewhere, "where there's life, there's a mess!"

  10. I'm too late to vote...but that last picture.....oh. my. word!!! What a precious face.


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