Sunday Best


My little man loves to look spiffy for church on Sunday.  He’s been asking for  “shiny church shoes” for months now.  But penny loafers are expensive and I hadn’t been able to find any at the consignment shop. 

IMG_1061Until this  week when I went on a consignment store quest hoping to find some cool looking picture frames for a fun idea I had for my dining room.  No luck with the picture frames but we did score a cooler and a pair of “shiny church shoes” in size 11.5.  I hear that’s the way it goes with thrift store shopping.  You can’t go with a specific mission in mind, but with your eyes open to anything you could possibly want, and oh, you can’t get upset that the thing you really want isn’t there when you want in.  Ah, the fun of thrift store shopping, but I digress. 

We stumbled across the loafers and my son was elated.  He was so excited to wear them to church with his suit coat and matching dark pants.  He wanted a tie as well, but sadly he doesn’t own one in his size.  He settled for the button down with the coat, dark pants and shiny shoes.   


He looked rather handsome and dapper if you asked me.   I think it is so cute that he likes to get so dressed up like this.  I am not sure where he gets it from exactly as his dad doesn’t get this dressed up on Sunday.  This is completely his own thing.  Scott will typically wear a button shirt or polo shirt with khaki's.  But, my son has always been an individual.  I like his look and hope he doesn’t grow out of this phase anytime soon. 


  1. That is so great! he does look mighty spiffy I am a fan of the shoes.

  2. He is the MAN! Look out girls --

  3. How cute!!! I love that he wants to get so dressed up for church....and he does look very spiffy!

  4. What a cutie! I have some girls for him to meet when he grows up. : )

  5. He is such a cutie!!! I love that he wants to be dressed up to go and worship. He looks SO PLEASED with his outfit - well worth the shoes don't you think!?!?

  6. he looks like a Calvin Klein ad! (except with clothes on instead of just underwear.) such a stinkin' cutie. (and i think he knows it. :)

  7. i love this picture :)

  8. That picture could hang in the window of Children's Place! Which thrift store do you shop the most? Do you ever want to brave the flea market with me EARLY one Saturday morning? That is where the deals are.

  9. How is it possible that anyone would want to wear a tie? Cute.

  10. Adorable! What a charmer! I love his "look." I'm so happy for your little man and his shiny dress shoes! You are going to be beating the girls away with a stick in a few years! That sweet tender heart of his with those charming looks? Oh my...good luck with that!

  11. i would be such a proud mama, too! too adorable for words. no, too handsome!


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