Camp Fire Donuts


This recipe for warm and gooey deliciousness is courtesy of Scott’s college room mate.   It’s not as easy as popping a mallow on a stick and roasting it, but it is oh so worth the effort! 

You must try camp fire donuts on your next over night camping trip...

First you take a can of Pillsbury breadsticks (or a generic equivalent)


Pop it open


Then you begin to wrap the bread dough around a stick


Next you get some chocolate…chips work best, (but I forgot to put the chips in a cooler so we had to opt for broken bits of Hersey bars b/c my mom put her chocolate in the cooler). 


As you wrap the dough around the stick you add the chocolate and wrap the dough around it.


When you finish make sure you pinch and tuck the top and bottom.


Next you toast the “doughnut” over the fire


till it is golden brown.


You take the golden dough nut and rub it around in butter (ours was melted due to the extreme August heat, but melted just makes it all the better)


Roll the buttered, golden doughnut in brown sugar.


Slide it off the stick


and enjoy!


I have no idea why they are called doughnuts since they aren’t round and don’t have hole in the center.  But, I do know they are fabulous (and messy (see Rules of Camping).  Camp fire doughnuts definitely, work for me.


  1. If the proof is in the eating, his smile gives this recipe five stars!

  2. Yum - will have to use this idea for our camping trip over Labor Day. Thanks!

    Now, in return, ever heard of banana boats? Slice a banana through its peel and halfway through the banana. Stuff it with mini marshmallow, chocolate chips, maybe some peanut butter. Wrap the whole thing in foil and stick it in the coals. Make sure you've got spoons or something to eat it with, as it'll be hot, mushy-gooey bananany yumminess after a few minutes heating up.

  3. i love campfire doughnuts, too, but we heated oil in a can and used pillsbury biscuits (and poked a hole in the middle so they actually were doughnuts), but yours seems a whole lot less dangerous! i think we will be trying those!

  4. mmm... this makes me want chocolate!

  5. Great documentation. They were very yummy, as yu can tell from your son's proud and delighted smile :-) they are even better than smores.

  6. Crystal,
    I love the pictures! They are fantastic and the recipe looks delicious. What fun!

  7. Just so you know, I thought I smelled melted butter and brown sugar over the weekend! Dern it...I would have crashed that campsite in a milisecond....

  8. Oh YUM! Can't wait to try these! =)

  9. Yummy! I'll have to remember this when we go camping in the fall!

  10. Your son looks so clean! If my sons attempted one of those, I can't even imagine what their faces and hands would look like...let alone the picnic table! Lol! Maybe next week you should document the fine art of eating without a mess. :)

    They look yummy!


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