Not quite picture perfect


A few weeks ago we celebrated our youngest child’s second birthday.  Naturally on an occasion as significant as a birthday,  we had our camera out quite a bit trying to capture every moment of the celebration.  It wasn’t till we looked at the pics later on the computer that  I realized at perhaps some moments would have been better left, not captured!

Since she loves dogs, we did a puppy dog theme for her party.  I made the cake to look like our own pooch, Maggie.

puppy dog birthday cake

Great idea, till your cutting the cake.. Something kinda sick about this picture, huh?  Kids, don’t look…Daddy’s slicing up Maggie!

 cutting the cake

Later she was building Legos with her grandfather’s.  I grabbed the camera to capture the beautiful moment.  Of course when I grabbed the camera the moment was over. 

“Mom, what are you doing?”  “I need some help here!!”  


Seems I was inadvertently snapping a picture of her peeing her pants….poor thing, didn’t make it to the potty fast enough in all the party excitement and Mommy didn’t realize what was happening b/c she was too busy trying to take pictures!. 

not exactly her finest moment

And since this post seems to be all about party bloopers, I felt I just had to share this shot.  Lest there be any doubt how old she is, this face should tell it all.  “No, I will not smile for a picture with my cake!” 

it's official... she's 2

Visit here or here for more picturful posts… perhaps some a bit less embarrassing!!

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  1. What a creative idea for a cake. Love the last shot and the expression on your daughter's face. Priceless. Happy WW and take care.

  2. Birthday parties for little ones are so much fun...but they will inevitably lead to meltdowns and tantrums of epic proportions! Looks like she took it easy on you...a little pants peeing (accidental) and a "I'm TWO now" face for the camera....yep, you got off easy.

    And she's so stinking cute I'm sure it can all be overlooked...

  3. What a cute doggie cake! I think I just made the ugliest birthday cake for Catherine tonight. It was kind of an afterthought since we're doing cupcakes, but she asked for a cake as well and I just figured what the heck. Now I'm regretting it and will probably be embearassed tomorrow!

    I think she looks alot like you in the picture - not that I've seen you making that face!

  4. You ATE the dog!! :) Great cake idea!

  5. I think perhaps slicing and eating the dog is less scaring than you might think. My brother had a cake that looked like our dog two years in a row and he turned out to be an artist whatever comfort that might be, though I am not sure they are directly related.

  6. LOL..oh my gosh, this post made me laugh! Your captions were perfect!! Felt like I was right there!

  7. Happy 2nd Birthday! Super cute cake :) I can't believe you got that pee pee shot...too funny. Happy WW!!!

  8. That cake is so cute! That age is so much fun! I had to laugh when you said mommy was too busy taking pictures! :)

  9. That cake is too cute. Was it tough to cut it and then eat it? LOL

  10. Oh no! I think every party is filled with quite a few bloopers. Something about combining kids, sugar, and lots of excitement!

    Love the cake, very creative!

  11. hehe... you ate the dog!! great memories you made with your little one!!

  12. Those pictures are too funny. I have been thinking that I need to take more pics now that I am blogging more...but I don't want to miss other things lol

  13. Great cake. I'm sure she liked it.
    Nice pictures!

  14. I thought you cake was great! I would totally eat your pet. LOL :-) Happy WW!

  15. Those are all so funny!!!! Great way to get those party bloopers posted!

    And you did an amazing job on the cake!

  16. The accidental pee pee moment accidentally caught on film...ya gotta love it! :) Happy blooper birthday to her!

  17. Very cute cake, and impressively decorated! And I almost replicated your daughter's little accident as I sat here looking at the rest of the photos : )

  18. That cake is such a great idea. I'm sure she will always remember this BD.

  19. LOL she is one cutie patootie. I love the "Mom a little help here" comment. Hope she had a great birthday!

  20. Great cake! You are very creative!

  21. great job on your cake! so impressed! for more awkward to eat cakes, you should check out unless you already know of this blog, and then perhaps you should submit your maggie cake with a pic of the real maggie. tee hee!

  22. Awww I love the puppy cake, but it would be a bit akward cutting into your dog! lol I so thought you were going to say something about her lego tower looking a little phallic, but giggled as I saw her doing that oh so familiar, knee together, I'm not gonna make it dance. Great Pics! Happy WW!

  23. That picture of your daughter watching herself tinkle is so funny. I remember that look well.

    And cute cake!

  24. So cute! Looks like a great party!

  25. I love the homemade cakes with the themes. We did that too with our little dino lover; he was thrilled with it.
    You can check it out here:

    Happy WW!

  26. I laughed out loud at the picture of Scott cutting into Maggie. You did great on the cake!

  27. love the cake and she is very cute

  28. It is a fine looking cake you made! I love doing the whole birthday fun for the fun! Great post! Love grandpa's cap!


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