This Sounded Like A Good Idea 3 Months Ago


I saw this line on a tee shirt this weekend at the Annapolis 10 Mile and loved it.  But, it cost $27 so I decided instead of buying the tee shirt, I’d make it my blog title. 

Yea, I was so excited when I signed up back in June to run this race with my high school friends. 

And somehow 3 months came and went and I ummm didn’t really train adequately for it.   But, they did.

So, I ran/walk/ran/walk/ran 10 miles this morning. 

And I finished.

But, ummm that’s really about all I can say about that. 

Though I wrote two weekend thought blog posts in my head as I plodded along, one foot in front of the other, which I will share with you all the next 2 Fridays.   Because deep thoughts are born in adversity, right?

Before:  (minus Jami who was peeing at the time of this picture)


After: (minus Jen and Jake who left right after they finished so they could go and do nursery duty at church…amazing, huh, I went home and slept, they went to church and worked in the nursery).


The best part?

Hanging out at the park that evening enjoying fellowship, crabs, and steak)


…plus that fact that in just 4 days we’ll all be hanging out again (plus 2 other families) for our annual Labor Day Weekend Getaway together.



  1. Sorry that the run didn't go exactly as you thought - BUT you did finish!! Looks like great fun at the park. Such a great kick-off for next week-end.

  2. Great job!! You should be so proud of yourself for finishing!!

  3. Yes, you should be very proud...ten miles!!! Woo! I tell you someone would have to be dangling one of those crab legs in front of me the whole time to get me to make it to the finish line!!

    I love that you wrote blog posts in your head while you ran! I do that, but not when I'm running because, well, uhm, I don't run so much.

    Your Labor Day weekend getaway sounds so awesome...can't wait to see this year's pictures!

  4. You're incredible for going through with the race...I admire you so much!!! And it sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends!

  5. Wow! That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And yummy food afterward!!

  6. i love that run! if we had done it together, i promise i wouldn't have adequately trained either and we could have walked together. of course, somehow with you last time 10 miles felt like 5, so maybe we would have been alright. good job!

  7. I am so proud you ran it even feeling unprepared I would have made some excuse to back out...

  8. You know that feeling when you read something and you say..."Did I write this?" because it seems to portray your exact life? Yeah...I would have done the same thing except I would have had an entire cake following the race. mmm...cake...maybe I'll go have some right now.

  9. This post made me whiny. I want to spend time with my family! I want to eat Maryland crabs! I want to hug and kiss on my nieces and nephew next weekend!

    All that to say, have fun next weekend and congrats on finishing yesterday! :)

  10. 10 miles, huh? i can't even wait to finish 3!!
    Way to go.
    Even though you didn't feel super prepared, you still perserved! SWEET! great work!

  11. I am so impressed. I would not even have the nerve to sign up for a 10 mile...great job! I look forward to reading the 2 posts you wrote during the race too!


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