Sick Days


Well, the local public schools went back in session at the beginning of the week and even though we are homeschooling this year, we’ve already got sick germs at the circus.  Seems we’re not holding out for long sleeves and sweaters to welcome in those lovely, little germs.

But, can I tell you a little secret?

Part of me likes sick days.

No, I don’t like to see my kids suffering, and no I am not a big fan of the whining or continual moaning. 

But, I do love the extra snuggles that come with sick days.

Today my youngest had a fever…followed later in the afternoon by a lovely little blister on her tongue.  Seems she has a virus of some sort which I can’t pronounce, let alone spell.  The end result is she wanted held from the time she woke up from her nap till she went to bed this evening.

So, I sat on the couch with her on my lap.  For awhile she snuggled with her baby and sippie cup while I engaged in a one handed light saber battle with my three year old.  A little while later my husband called and let me know he wouldn’t be home for dinner, he was aiming to get home in time for stories and kisses before bed.  So, I popped in Winnie the Pooh, passed out cereal and apples for dinner and snuggled on the couch with my kiddos.

Time well spent if you ask me.

I know you can’t do this every day.  I gotta make dinner and fold laundry and clean out closets.  The kids need to go outside and run around.  They gotta build lego castles, take care of baby dolls, and fight bad guys.

But some days, it’s nice to drop everything and do nothing but snuggle.   My youngest will rarely sit still for more than one episode of Dora, but today she practically fell asleep on my lap as we watched the Silly Old Bear and his friends in the Hundred Acre Woods.   The older two who’ve watched this movie countless times over the years giggled at antics which they now understand the humor behind.  With my youngest on my lap and my arm around each of the other two, I smiled and told them how I liked snuggling with them.  My son answered, “I love it too Mom!”  (oh, how I know these days are fleeting).

Tonight as I go to bed, I will pray for restored health of my youngest and protected health for the other two.  But, I will also say thanks for the precious time spent cuddling with each of them.  I must remember to drop everything and snuggle more often…no need to wait for fevers.  

As a side note, I decided this evening, that no matter how many times I watch the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, I still find the characters endearing and enchanting.  I really don’t think I can tire of it. 


  1. Awesome post! Since my kids have gotten older, sick days are better, kinda like a free pass.
    We make pancakes, watch movies and snuggle alot around here too. That's big for me, because the TV is only on in the morning and after dinner.
    Hope your little one feels better soon and that everyone else doesn't catch it!

  2. How sweet! I'm sure they really appreciated you taking the time to drop everything and snuggle with them today. I pray that you youngest will be feeling better soon.

  3. I love those days too (not the sickness) where I can have those times to snuggle w/ my kids, or just enjoy the day w/ them w/out worrying about school.

  4. what sweet memories to cherish!!

  5. I hate it when my boys are sick, but just like you, I LOVE the way they snuggle when they are. I have to chase them down sometimes just to get a hug or kiss, but when they're sick, they're all mine.

    LOVE these kinds of memories!

  6. How much more precious it probably seemed after being away from them over the week-end. Nothing like Pooh to make the snuggles warm and sweet. I noticed this w-e how much more the older ones understand the humor in the shows now. The laughs are SO sweet!!!

  7. I also like snuggling with my kids when they are sick. It is especially nice for me as it usually requires me to take off work and I get a chance to spend a whole day with them. I don't enjoy the fact that they are sick, but I love that I can be the one who cares for them and gets those precious moments in. We are big snugglers at the Happy residence.

  8. ps. I hope she feels better today and that the other two don't catch whatever she had!

  9. poor girl! i'm sorry to hear she's feeling so lousy but glad you all managed to enjoy the day anyhow. snuggles make everything better, don't they?

  10. as I am currently in the midst of a long series of sick days with too much else going on I am hard pressed to come up with any sort of coherent response, just know I read, and enjoyed this :-)


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